
PowerSchool is a secure web-based student management system designed to strengthen communication between the school and home. It provides parents and legal guardians online access to their children's progress in school.

Parents are able to create a PowerSchool account and link it to each of their children's accounts by using the access codes supplied by the school.

PowerSchool Account Creation Instructions Sign in to PowerSchool

Using the PowerSchool App

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Use code NKNC to sign in to the PowerSchool app.

PowerSchool is also available to use on your mobile device as a free downloadable app for iOS and Android.

To log in to the app, you will need your account username and password, and Parkland School Division's District Code, which is NKNC. Enter it into the app as illustrated in the image.

Get PowerSchool for iOS Get PowerSchool for Android

Accessing Grades

Rycor Online Payments

Parkland School Division is pleased to advise that the Rycor Online Payment module is available for School Fees. This convenient tool is accessible through the PowerSchool parent portal and provides parents with the ability to view and print student statements and receipts, transaction history, outstanding fees and make payments online. Methods of payment include Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Interac Online Debit.

For more information on how to use this feature, please view the Rycor Parent Guide.

Please note: Rycor Online Payments and the K-9 Report Card Application are not available through the mobile app. To access these features on your mobile device, please use your device's internet browser to go to https://powerschool.psd.ca/public, then sign in with your PowerSchool username and password.