Sexual Health Education
Sexual health education is a required part of Alberta’s provincially mandated curriculum. It is taught as part of Health and Life Skills in Grades 4-9 and as part of Career and Life Management (CALM) in Grades 10-12. The Alberta Education curriculum identifies specific learning goals for each grade level.
The human sexuality component is offered to all students.
For students of all ages, sexual health education shall:
- Be science-based and free from bias;
- Honour self-worth and dignity;
- Be inclusive of personal, family and social values;
- Respect individual differences;
- Provide a supportive environment for students to learn and ask questions; and
- Use age-appropriate teaching methods and material.
Related Education Plan Outcomes
Outcome 2: Students demonstrate Well-Being
Outcome 3: PSD Staff Build Systems and Structures that Promote Success and Well-Being
Outcome 6: Support Systems Increase Success and Well-Being
Outcome 7: Support Systems Promote Care, Respect and Safety
Outcome 8: Support Systems Promote Equity, Community and Belonging