Student Learning Assessments (SLAs)
Student Learning Assessments (SLAs) are digitally based provincial assessment tools that provide a beginning of the year “check in”. This enables parents and teachers to learn about and identify student strengths and areas of growth at the start of the school year.
The Grade 3 SLA is based on outcomes related to literacy and numeracy in language arts and mathematics in Alberta’s current Grade 2 provincial curriculum. Some questions include contexts from arts education, health, science and social studies.
The three purposes of the SLAs are to:
- Improve student learning (primary purpose)
- Enhance instruction for students
- Ensure the education system meets the needs of students and achieves the outcomes of the Ministerial Order on Student Learning.
Provincial assessment programs, including SLAs, are meant to complement, not replace, day-to-day teacher observations and classroom assessment.
Administration dates for the SLAs will vary by school, though all will take place early in the school year. Please watch for more information from your school as to when they have scheduled administration of SLAs.
Additional information about the SLAs can be found on the Alberta Education website.
Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)
Each year, Alberta Education tests all children in the core subjects in Grade 6 and 9 to ensure our education system maintains a high standard. Please check your school’s calendar for specific testing dates.
The purpose of the achievement tests is to determine how well students are learning, to compare their achievements to provincial standards and to assist school communities and the province in monitoring and improving student learning. The tests are administered on specific dates, usually in January, May, and June once a subject grade level has been completed. Please check with your child’s homeroom teacher for specific dates.
Information about the PATs for parents of students in Grade 6 and 9 is available on the Alberta Education website. This site provides parent information on Achievement Tests and curriculum details for each subject area.
Diploma Examinations (Dips)
The Grade 12 Diploma Examinations Program was established in 1984.
The three main purposes of the Diploma Exams are:
- To certify the level of individual student achievement in selected Grade 12 courses
- To ensure that province-wide standards of achievement are maintained
- To report individual and group results
To receive a high school diploma, students are required to write at least two diploma exams: English and Social Studies. Please check your school’s calendar for specific examination dates.
More information about the Diploma Exams can be found on the Alberta Education website.