School-of-Choice Transportation

Parents that choose to register their child in a school other than their designated school must print off and submit a School of Choice form.

Transportation will be provided for students who choose to attend a school other than their designated school, provided:

  • There is space available on the bus
  • The bus does not have to be diverted from the regular approved route
  • The receiving school has the space available to accommodate the child that applicable transportation fees are paid

Regarding transportation: Parkland School Division will not guarantee the availability of transportation services for school-of-choice students. Parents may request transportation to a school-of-choice with an understanding that:

  • Transportation services may be unavailable between your residence and a school-of-choice.
  • The provision for transportation services, if available, may be delayed until after the commencement of the school term and only after all the eligible students are assigned to busing.
  • Transportation services may be provided IF there is room on an established transportation route.
  • Transportation services will not divert from a regular route to provide school-of-choice registration service.


The following transported students will not be required to pay for school-of-choice transportation fees:

  • Students with special needs directed to a specialized program outside their designated school
  • Students enrolled in specialized programming for which provincial transportation funding is provided
  • Students attending a non-designated school, who were residing within an optional transportation area that was removed by the Board during the 2004/05 school year (this applies only to those students currently enrolled in Parkland, not their siblings who will be entering the system)

Note: Students enrolled in specialized programming, such as the PSD Christian Program, at a school other than their designated school will be required to pay the School-of-Choice fees.

School-of-Choice Requests

  • The Superintendent has declared Prescott Learning Centre closed to any further school-of-choice registration requests for all grades for the 2024-2025 school year.
  • The Superintendent has declared Copperhaven School closed to any further school-of-choice registration requests for Grades 5 - 7 for the 2024-2025 school year.

Construction of new homes continues in Spruce Grove’s eastern and western regions. In Alberta, the Education Act ensures that resident students have priority for registration:

The Education Act 10(3) states: 

Where a board establishes an attendance area for a school, a resident student of a board who resides in the attendance area for the school must be given priority over a student who does not reside in the attendance area.

Parkland School Division Administrative Procedure 304 – Attendance Areas provides guidance and limitations with respect to student enrollment.

AP 304 s.9 states:

The Superintendent or designate may declare that a school, or schools in a specific area are open or closed to school-of-choice registration based on facility utilization or resources; notably:  

9.1. Schools that are open to school-of-choice registration may have specific grades that are closed to school-of-choice due to a variety of factors, including:

9.1.1.           Classroom capacity,

9.1.2             Available resources,

9.1.3             Classroom population (i.e.  Teacher complement maximized), or

9.1.4             Facilities available.


With respect to current enrollment and for the foreseeable growth, PSD continues to monitor enrolment levels at our schools with higher utilization rates. 

The Superintendent holds the authority for school-of-choice requests; specific grades closed for school-of-choice registration by the Superintendent are, therefore, not open to appeal. 

For more information contact: 

Transportation Services
4603-48 Street
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 2A8
Phone:  780-963-8452