Relating Everyday Academics & Life Skills (REAL)

Relating Everyday Academics & Life Skills (REAL) classrooms provide an alternate classroom program for students with moderate to severe cognitive delays. Students focus on critical learning from an adapted Alberta Program of Studies in literacy and numeracy. Additional key areas of focus are social/emotional regulation, functional skills, and language (expressive, receptive) skills. Each child's needs within this setting are highly individual and will be served through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

Each classroom offers a team approach, consisting of parents, teachers, administrative support and educational assistants. Supportive services from occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech language therapy, blind-low vision supports, and deaf/hard of hearing supports are available to consult with staff to address specific student needs.

To be eligible for this program, individual education plans and current assessment must identify a need. Placement in this program is through recommendation by the student's community school and in conversation with parents and student services.

This program is offered at:

For more information contact:

École Broxton Park School 
Phone: 780-962-0212 


Bryn Spence
Division Principal, Student Services
Phone: 780-963-8421