French Immersion gives your child an opportunity to become highly proficient in oral and written French, and to experience French culture.
In Kindergarten to Grade 3, students are primarily instructed in French. Formal English instruction is incorporated in the program, starting in Grade 3. The program is based on Alberta's approved curriculum.
École Broxton Park School offers an optional full-time (every day, all day) French Immersion Kindergarten program. The program costs approximately $400/month per child, and a deposit of $800 is due at the time of registration. This fee covers the unfunded portion of the staffing and operational costs.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in the French Immersion program, please contact the principal at one of the following schools to arrange for a school tour:
Yes, You Can Help!
French Immersion parents may have some questions regarding how to support their children in their learning. Much has been discovered about teaching and learning a second language since the inception of French Immersion in 1965. The publication Yes, You Can Help! is a summary of the information that is now available. Yes, You Can Help! is designed for parents of students from preschool to post-secondary, and is accessible on the Alberta Education Website.
Attendance Areas
For more information contact:
Learning Services
Phone: 780-963-8422