Student Services

Parkland School Division is a learning organization dedicated to the development of children. Our programming spans pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12. We recognize the value in working closely with parent and community partners to ensure positive transitions and to provide opportunities for student success.

Student Services provides collaborative assistance to schools in support of their efforts to achieve school and divisional goals.

Our team of Student Services facilitators serve school communities in the areas of curriculum, educational technology, program monitoring and development, educational research, and data collection and issue resolution.

Erik McConnell Inclusive Education Award

a photo of Erik McConnell
Erik McConnell

What is Inclusive Education?

In Parkland School Division, everyone is accepted and experiences a sense of belonging. In full adherence to the Alberta Human Rights Act, all persons are equal in gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family or sexual orientation. In Parkland School Division, every student has meaningful contributions to make.

Erik McConnell Inclusive Education Awards

Erik McConnell was a PSD kid, having completed his Kindergarten to Grade 12 education with stops at Millgrove, Woodhaven and Spruce Grove Composite High School. For those who knew Erik, he exuded a passion for the arts, especially music. When songwriting and drumming, Erik lived and thrived.

In PSD, Erik was blessed to have teachers who were shining examples of Inclusive Education before the phrase was even used in educational circles. They understood Erik's medical challenges and were determined to support the devotion he held for the arts.

Award Nominations

Do you know a great inclusive educator or an inclusive PSD support staff member? We invite anyone to nominate candidates for the following awards:

  • Inclusive Leadership and/or Teaching:  School, district, preschool leaders and administrators, classroom teachers, collaborative teaching partners, inclusive education leads, counselors, etc.
  • Inclusion Support: Educational assistants, in-school support workers, bus drivers, secretaries, etc.

The Erik McConnell Inclusive Education awards will be presented at our annual Milestones & Merits celebration. 

Nomination Criteria

An individual who initiates or supports unique opportunities that enrich inclusive educational experiences of students with diverse learning needs.

Professional Staff

  • Has an unrelenting belief that students are theirs and can be supported in their school/classroom and make decisions that reflect that belief.
  • Endeavours to know students in a deep way; their strengths, their history, and where they are in relation to Programs of Study.
  • Creates an authentic sense of belonging for all students.
  • Views students as individuals, and works to improve environments for them by identifying supports that allow them to participate in meaningful ways.
  • Focuses on what students can do and not what they can’t do.
  • Maintains high expectations for all students and provide appropriate supports to continually move forward towards those expectations.

Support Staff

  • Welcomes and demonstrates non-judgemental acceptance for the students they work with.
  • Focuses on what students can do and not what they can’t do.
  • Maintains a focus on increasing independence among all students.

Indicators of Successful Inclusion

  • Students are unconditionally accepted into all aspects of life at the preschool, public school or post-secondary program.
  • Supports are in place that allow the student to participate fully with peers in all school opportunities, in and out of the classroom.
  • All students are valued and encouraged to build on their abilities
  • No label-based limitations exist.
  • School-wide culture and school leadership promote diversity and inclusion as strengths.

Nomination Form

The Erik McConnell Inclusive Education Award Nomination Form will be shared here prior to the next Milestones & Merits celebration. Please check back for updates.

For more information contact:

Dean Bernard
Division Principal, Northern & Indigenous Relations
Phone: 780-963-8420

Linda Madge-Arkinstall
Division Principal, Literacy & Lifelong Learning
Phone: 780-963-4010

Shaye Patras
Division Principal, Numeracy and Achievement
Phone: 780-963-8464

Christine Ross
Division Principal, Wellness and Community Partnerships
Phone: 780-591-5785

Bryn Spence
Division Principal, Student Services
Phone: 780-963-8421