Regular Board Meeting Highlights - October 10, 2023
Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 10, 2023. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.
- The Board welcomed a delegation led by Parkland School Division (PSD) Principal, Christine Ross and Health & Wellness Facilitator, Cathy Traynor who were joined by members of the Community Partners Society from Spruce Grove Rotary. PSD is proud to partner with the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove Community Partner Society for the Community Pantry Brown Bag Lunch program producing 700 lunches per week that are delivered to 18 PSD schools. Many thanks to Rotarians from Spruce Grove and Stony Plain to make this all-volunteer program a success.
- The Board approved the 2023 Modular Submission Request. Each year, the Board is responsible for reviewing and approving the division modular plan that is submitted to Alberta Education and Alberta Infrastructure. The request includes:
- 4 new replacement modulars for École Meridian Heights School,
- Funding to move 2 surplus modular classrooms from Stony Plain Central School to Copperhaven School,
- 9 new replacement modular classrooms at Blueberry School,
- 6 new replacement modular classrooms at Muir Lake School, and
- 6 new replacement modular classrooms at École Broxton Park School.
- The Board received as information the 2023-2024 Enrolment & Class Size Report. The September 29th enrolment count for the current school year is 12,517 for the Division. This is an increase of 102 students or 0.8% over the 2022-2023 school year. By community, the enrolment changes compared to the prior year were:
- Community A (Duffield, Entwistle, Tomahawk, Wabamun) - decreased by 52 students or 8.2%
- Community B (Forest Green, High Park, École Meridian Heights, Stony Plain Central, Connections for Learning, Muir Lake, Blueberry) - increased by 68 students or 1.4%
- Community C (Brookwood, École Broxton Park, Copperhaven, Greystone, Millgrove, Prescott Learning Centre, Spruce Grove Composite High School, Woodhaven, Graminia, Parkland Village) - increased by 8 students or 0.1%
- Outreach enrolments increased by 83 students or 3.25%
- Athabasca Delta Community School decreased by 5 students or 3.2%.
- The Board received as information the Curriculum Implementation Report as presented by Division Principals, Linda Madge-Arkinstall (Literacy & Lifelong Learning) and Shaye Patras (Numeracy and Achievement).
- The Board received as information the Athabasca Delta Community School Report, as presented by Division Principal, Dean Bernard (Northern & Indigenous Relations).
- The Board received as information the 2022-2023 Student Conduct and Intervention Report, as presented by Deputy Superintendent, Mark Francis and Associate Superintendent, Dr. Meg Miskolzie.
- The Board received as information the Audit Committee Report.
- The Board received as information the Benefits Committee Report.
- The Board received as information the minutes of the Governance and Planning Session held September 26, 2023.
The next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 9am.