Regular Board Meeting Highlights - February 8, 2022
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 2022. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.
- The Board took in a virtual demonstration from a Copperhaven School delegation. Teacher Linda Trippel demonstrated an example of a small group numeracy intervention session involving Grade 3 students Bailey Anger, Aminah Asad, Ellie Bowers and Hayden Hillgardner. (10:50 mark of video)
- The Board approved the recommendation directing administration to further explore the following recommendations outlined in a previously received Attendance Area Review prepared by consultants from Edmonton Public Schools Infrastructure planning: related to a Division-wide Attendance Area Review:
- Recommendation A, Option 1 - Converting Parkland Village School to a K-6 school
- Recommendation A, Option 3 - Redirecting Parkland Village students to Woodhaven School
- Recommendation B - Address space challenges at Copperhaven School by monitoring future growth and pre-designating growth areas to Brookwood and Woodhaven while adding 2 - 3 modular classrooms at Copperhaven.
- Recommendation F - Address High Park School space constraints by adjusting rural boundaries.
- Recommendation G - Address Forest Green School's future capacity by monitoring enrolment and adding 1-2 modular units if warranted.
- Recommendation J - Move senior high French Immersion from Spruce Grove Composite High School to Memorial Composite High School in Stony Plain addressing both over capacity at SGCHS and transportation challenges busing students from PSD's west end for high school French Immersion.
- Recommendation K - Address future growth areas in East Spruce Grove.
- Recommendation L - Address future growth challenges in developing areas of West Spruce Grove.
- Recommendation M - Address future growth challenges in developing areas of Stony Plain.
- Recommendation N - Prioritizes plans for future capital projects to address projected future growth challenges. (Eventual new school requests for Spruce Grove East, Spruce Grove West and Stony Plain.)
- The Board received as information the Health and Safety Report as presented by Deputy Superintendent, Mark Francis.
- The Board received as information the Student Services Report as presented by Associate Superintendent, Dr. Meg Miskolzie and Division Principal, Leah Andrews.
- The Board approved the 2022-2023 School-Year Calendar as presented by Associate Superintendent, Scott Johnston.
- The Board received as information the Transportation Services Department Report for the 2021- 2022 school year as presented by Director, Transportation Services, John Blood.
The next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. LIVE STREAM.