Step 2 - Easing Health Measures in PSD

Alberta Health Services, COVID-19

February 28, 2022 - On Saturday, February 26th, the Government of Alberta announced that Step 2 of its three-step plan on easing public health measures will proceed. 

“Effective March 1, Alberta will begin step two, which will include the end of limits on social gatherings, capacity limits for large venues, remaining school requirements, screening of youth for activities, the mandatory work-from-home order and public masking requirements except in high-risk settings.”


Parkland School Division will align its protocols with the Government of Alberta as well as the municipalities of the City of Spruce Grove and the Town of Stony Plain with respect to mask mandates. In Step 1, the mask mandate for students in K-12 was already lifted and now staff and volunteers in schools will follow suit. Staff, students and visitors are still encouraged to wear masks while in schools. Although transitioning from a pandemic to endemic response is a promising sign, many people have mixed emotions towards this. As such, we must all remember to respect each others' comfort levels and choices. Staff and students will be supported regardless of their choice.    

Isolation and Quarantine Requirements Remain in Effect

Isolation is still legally required for people who have COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive. Learn more about the isolation requirements for vaccinated and unvaccinated Albertans. This measure will turn from legally mandated to a recommendation only in Step 3 of Alberta’s plan. The timeline after March 1st is still to be determined and will depend on hospitalization rates continuing to trend downward.


Non-essential visitors will gradually be welcomed back into Parkland School Division schools. Parents/guardians can attend the school if they are required as part of the educational programming needs of the school.

For a full summary of current measures in place in PSD, please refer to the updated Guidance for School Re-Entry - Principals’ Handbook.

For more information, contact:

Parkland School Division
Phone: 780-963-4010

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