Special Board Meeting Scheduled For September 7
A special meeting of the Parkland School Division Board of Trustees has been called for Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 6pm.
The Board will be meeting to discuss COVID-19 protocols in schools. A motion has been put forward that the Board approve the reimplementation of the 2020-2021 Parkland School Division Mask Protocol, amended to include K-12 students, and to remain in place while a Provincial Masking Mandate is in effect.
This meeting will be held virtually. Interested parties may join by phone by calling 1-778-727-8867 and entering the following PIN: 470 197 273#. To avoid any long distance charges, participants may also register beforehand by emailing board@psd.ca.
Questions for the board can be submitted via email at board@psd.ca up until the end of the meeting recess, after which the board will respond.
The full agenda for the special meeting can be found on the Board Meetings page of the Division site.
For more information contact:
Parkland School Division Board of Trustees
Phone: 780-963-4010
Email: board@psd.ca