Regular Board Meeting Highlights - Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Annual, Calendar, Celebration, Edwin Parr Awards, Financial Report, Literacy

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held on Tuesday, January 23, 2024.

The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting:

  • The Board directed administration to establish a submission deadline for schools to nominate a first-year teacher for the Alberta School Boards Association Edwin Parr Award. Also, the Board identified Anne Montgomery, Aimee Hennig and Board Chair, Lorraine Stewart to sit on a selection committee to choose PSD's nominee. Each board must select one teacher as their official nominee, who will represent their zone. (Zone 2/3)
  • The Board received as information the Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending November 30, 2023. As of November 30th, revenues year-to-date were $39.1 million and expenditures year-to-date were $36.9 million resulting in a surplus of $2.3 million.A surplus of $1.3 million is currently forecast for the year ending August 31, 2024. Approximately $1.26 million will be transferred to capital reserves for required projects.
  • The Board received as information the 2024-2025 School Year Calendar Report. The school calendar amendments accommodate the strong interests represented through stakeholder feedback and take careful consideration into the placement of non-instructional professional development days as well as Alberta Education's schedule for Diploma Examinations. Highlights include a first day of school for students as Wednesday August 28, 2024, maintaining the November Fall Break (Nov.12 - 15), as well as a Spring Break beginning March 31, 2025. The last day of school for students will be Thursday June 26, 2025. The calendar consists of:
    • 181 instructional days
    • 10 Statutory holidays
    • 13 professional development days
    • 18 non-operational days

      Note: Alternate school year calendars will be adopted specifically for a few PSD schools, including Entwistle School and Athabasca Delta Community School. Those alternate calendars will be shared with families once they are finalized.
  • The Board received as information the Literacy Report as presented by Division Principal, Linda Madge-Arkinstall.

The next regular board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 9 a.m.

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