Regular Board Meeting Highlights - Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.
Regular Board Meeting
- The Board welcomed a delegation with students from The Learning Hub class at Connections for Learning (CFL) along with Forest Green School who co-presented on their weekly school-wide snack program for students at Forest Green. The program brings the two schools together in order to promote good health habits and an awareness of nutrition, diet restriction awareness and food safety practices. Students included Damien Smith (Grade 12, CFL), Bailey Dunn (Grade 10, CFL), Reed Kaufmann (Grade 6, Forest Green), and Meila Teclemariam (Grade 6, Forest Green) who were joined by Forest Green Principal, Leah Andrews, CFL Assistant Principal Leanne Gruending and the Learning Hub Teacher, Stepha Fode.
- The Board approved the Attendance Area Review recommendation that, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, students in Grades 7-9 who reside in the Parkland Village School attendance area are redirected to attend Woodhaven Middle School rather than Prescott Learning Centre.
Further, that any students who will be in Grades 7-9 at Prescott Learning Centre in the 2024-2025 school year and who reside in the Parkland Village School attendance area, be permitted to remain at Prescott Learning Centre (legacy) until they complete Grade 9, and that their families are not assigned school-of-choice fees for those students who legacy and require transportation to Prescott Learning Centre. - The Board deferred the motion to revise Board Policy 13 to a future meeting.
- The Board received as information the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar. A separate school year calendar is being developed specifically for Athabasca Delta Community School and will be shared with ADCS families once its finalized.
- The Board received as information the Workplace Safety Report, as presented by Deputy Superintendent, Mark Francis. The report summarizes PSD's commitment to building and preserving a safe, productive, and healthy working environment for staff, students and school community and responsible to ensure the legislative requirements of the Education Act and the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act are followed in Parkland School Division (PSD).
- The Board received as information the Early Learning Report, as presented by Associate Superintendent, Dr. Meg Miskolzie and Division Principal, Wellness and Community Partnerships, Christine Ross. The Early Learning Assurance Report highlights areas of focus in Early Childhood Services (ECS) in the Division. Supports and Services available to students in Early Learning and Kindergarten programs are reviewed, as well as areas of focus and future directions.
- The Board received as information the Student Services Report as presented by Associate Superintendent, Dr. Meg Miskolzie and Division Principal, Student Services, Bryn Spence. The Student Services Report highlights the various ways in which the Student Services Team, in Parkland School Division, supports schools to provide an inclusive, safe, supportive, academic learning environment that serves the needs of a diverse population of students from Kindergarten to Grade twelve.
The next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.