Regular Board Meeting Highlights - October 6, 2020

Board Meeting, Program of Choice

The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.


  • The Board welcomed a virtual delegation from the Connections for Learning Building Futures program-of-choice. Principal Travis McNaughton and Building Futures teacher, Michael Holton, were joined by Grade 10 students Soren Almquist, Jayda Anderson, Damian Goobie and Ben Hopkins at the Coventry Homes construction site in the subdivision of Copperhaven in Spruce Grove. The students are currently working with Coventry Homes and all their sub-trades in building a duplex which will also double as their classroom during construction.

 (Principal, Travis McNaughton)

  • The Board approved changes to Board Policy 8 Appendix 8.7 Audit Committee Terms of Reference, as recommended by the Audit Committee. The changes will align Board Policy with recent changes made in Bill 15 - The Choice in Education Act when it comes to the composition of the actual committee with respect to individuals who are not trustees.
  • The Board defeated a Notice of Motion brought to the meeting with regards to Board Remuneration. Upon further discussion and debate, the Board approved a 10% reduction to Trustee base Remuneration for the 2020-2021 school year. At the September 1, 2020 Board Meeting, the Board approved changes to the Remuneration Model for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • The Board received as information the Enrolment Report for the 2020-2021 school year. Enrolment numbers reflect the September 30 Count that will be used in the Weighted Moving Average calculation to determine funded students as per the Alberta Education funding manual.
    The September 30 enrolment count for the 2020-21 school year is 11,517 for the Division. This is a decrease of 60 students or 0.5% over the 2019-20 school year. The enrolment by type is as follows:
    • In-class - 9,764
    • Online - 1,299
    • Virtual School (Connections for Learning) - 197
    • Home Education - 257
  • The Board received as information the 2020-2021 Class Size Report, as presented by Associate Superintendent, Scott Johnston.
  • The Board received as information the Community Partnership Assurance Report as presented by Director, Student Services, Leah Andrews and Wellness Coordinator, Felicia Ochs.
  • The Board received as information the 2020-2021 Communications Report as presented by Director, Strategic Communications, Jordi Weidman

Next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 9:30 a.m., Centre for Education

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