Regular Board Meeting Highlights - May 25, 2021

Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held virtually on Tuesday, May 25, 2021. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.


  • The Board approved the 2021-2022 Annual Education Plan. The Education Plan is part of an overall planning cycle which involves:
    • Developing an updating a jurisdictional plan that aligns with the provincial plan for assurance reporting; this includes attending to provincial priority elements and performance measures in alignment with the Division's vision, mission, values and beliefs;
    • Promoting community engagement;
    • Preparing budgets that allocate or re-direct resources to support student learning and achievement;
    • Monitoring implementation and adjusting efforts as needed;
    • Using results to identify areas for improvement and to develop strategies and targets for the next plan; and,
    • Communicating with stakeholders (staff, students, parents, or guardians, school councils, the public and Alberta Education) about school authority plans and results.
  • The Board approved the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as the auditors for Parkland School Division for a period of 5 years as recommended by the Audit Committee.
  • The Board of Trustees approved the Trustee Remuneration Model used for the 2020-2021 school year for the 2021-2022 school year and beyond as recommended by the Audit Committee.
  • The Board of Trustees approved that the 10% reduction to base remuneration be maintained as recommended by the Audit Committee and Board Policy 7: Board Operations is updated to reflect the change.
  • The Board of Trustees approved that the Professional Development budget is reduced by $9,500. Each Trustee will receive $2,000 with an additional $1,500 for the Board Chair. Further, the remaining amount will be allocated to the general Board professional development under direction of the Chair. The general professional development fund will pay for the Alberta School Boards Assocation (ASBA) and Public School Boards' Association of Alberta (PSBAA) general assemblies for the 2021-2022 school year and beyond, as recommended by the Audit Committee.
  • The Board approved the Budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, as recommended by the Audit Committee. The budget indicates a deficit of $2 million which will be offset by the use of Division reserves. Total revenue is $131,880,835 with expenses of $133,880, 835. It is expected that the Division's operating reserves will have a balance of $6,054,698 or 4.52% as of August 31, 2022. Revenues increased by $190,044 from last year's budget while operating expenses increased by $2,190,044. Revenues for 2021-2022 include $5.8 million in Bridge Funding that is expected to be eliminated as the province uses this funding to fund growth throughout the province.
  • The Board received as information, that some of the Division's modular classroom request was granted. Prescott Learning Centre will be receiving 4 new modular classrooms and 1 modular washroom unit while Millgrove School will be receiving 8 new modular classrooms to replace existing older modular classrooms.
  • The Board received as information the Assurance Report for 2020-2021. Working with an Assurance Model of education planning and reporting means that PSD and the Board actively seeks to reveal all avenues for stakeholders to tell us how we are attending to our goals and priorities.

Next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 9:30 a.m., Centre for Education (Board meetings will be hosted virtually until further notice.)

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