Regular Board Meeting Highlights - April 11, 2023

Alberta Education, Board, Board Meeting, Centre for Education, Community Engagement, École Broxton Park School, École Meridian Heights School, Financial Report, French Immersion, Planning, Program, Program of Choice, Spruce Grove Composite High School, Stakeholder Engagement, Westview School

Tuesday, April 11, 2023 - The Board of Trustees is pleased to share with all education stakeholders the highlights of our recent Board meeting held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. The adopted minutes will be available on our website following the next Regular Board meeting.


Regular Board Meeting

  • The Board welcomed a delegation from Spruce Grove Composite High School as well as École Broxton Park School and École Meridian Heights School to present on the topic of the French Immersion Program of Choice within PSD.

  • The Board approved the revised Board Policy 7: Board Operations.

  • The Board approved the 2023-2024 Budget Assumptions. The budget is built around these assumptions include key components of the budget including revenues, allocations to schools, enrolments, and key expenditures including staffing.

  • The Board received as information the 2022-2023 Second Quarter Financial Report as presented by Associate Superintendent, Scott McFadyen. As of February 28, 2023, revenues year-to-date were $75.1M and expenditures year-to-date were $73.0M resulting in a surplus of $2.1M. A deficit of $2.8M is currently forecast for the year ended August 31, 2023 which is higher than budget.
    The Division is projecting an operating reserve before school generated funds of $3.6M at August 31, 2023, which is $763K below the cap of $4.3M. This projection is pending Government of Alberta (GOA) approval of a transfer to capital reserves of $1.6M.

  • The Board received as information the Student Engagement Report as presented by Associate Superintendent, Scott M. Johnston.

  • The Board also recognized long-time Trustee and former Chair and Vice Chair, Eric Cameron by way of announcing his nomination for the Public School Boards Association of Alberta (PSBAA) Dick Baker award. The Dick Baker Legacy Award is bestowed on a public school board trustee who has modelled the values of integrity, compassion, respect, mentoring, leadership and engagement of the heart and mind while always putting children first.

The next Regular Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at 12:30pm. 


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