Call for Inclusive Education Parent and Community Advisory Panel (IPAC) Members

Inclusive Education, Stakeholder Engagement, Supports & Services, Wellness

June 11, 2024 -

Parkland School Division is seeking parents or community members who are passionate about inclusive education to help us continue to build the inclusive system we envision for our students.

We’re filling vacancies on our Inclusive Education Parent and Community Advisory Panel and are accepting applications until 4:00 pm on July 3, 2024.

It takes a village to do this important work and we need additional perspectives to help us continue to build a welcoming, inclusive experience for all children in our schools.


Complete the application form, and submit it along with two character references.

What's involved? 

Our Inclusive Education Parent and Community Advisory Panel includes up to 10 parent and/or community members (with urban and rural representation) and up to 3 representatives from Division administration.

The Panel will help the Division strengthen our inclusive education system by:

  • serving in an advisory role to enhance understanding and consideration of parental and community perspectives,
  • enhancing how the Division's Inclusive Education operational procedures and practices are implemented,
  • providing information and advice to Division administrators; and,
  • working to bring Alberta Education’s Principles of Inclusive Education to life in our classrooms.

Panel members:

  • serve a two-year term, with approximately six meetings each school year, and opportunities to sit on additional focused sub-committee groups.
  • Be available to attend these meetings, with the majority occurring in person and during the day.

Who Can Apply?

We seek a balanced representation of:

  • parents with children currently enrolled in Division schools  (urban and rural)
  • other interested community members from the Tri-Region

For further information, contact:

Meg Miskolzie, Associate Superintendent of Student Supports and Services
Phone: 780-963-8404

Please review the Panel's Terms of Reference.

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