Educational Options for 2020-2021
Parkland School Division will be offering a number of options to meet the needs of our students and families as we return to in-person classes. We understand that many families are concerned about a full-return to in-person classes and we are preparing options for families who wish to have students continue to work at home starting in September while still remaining enrolled in their designated school. Please consider the following options as you make an informed decision for your child and family.
Option 1 - Return to In-person Classes with Additional Safety Protocols
Schools will implement a number of public health measures, which include frequent cleaning of surfaces, placing hand sanitizers at school entrances and classrooms, grouping students in cohorts, and planning the school day to allow for physical distancing, which will include staggering start times for classes, recesses and lunches wherever possible. Additional public health measures may be established prior to September on the advice of the chief medical officer of health in consultation with the education system. More detail:
PSD's 2020-2021 Return to School Re-entry Plan
Guidance for School Re-entry - Principal's Handbook
In addition, students, staff, parents and school visitors will be expected to use a self-screening questionnaire daily to determine whether they can enter the school.
There will also be mandatory mask use for students in grades 4 to 12, as well as all school staff. Staff will be required to wear masks in all settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained, and students will be required to wear them in all shared and common areas, such as hallways and on buses. Mask use for kindergarten to grade 3 students will continue to be optional.
Every single Kindergarten to Grade 12 student will be supplied with two reusable masks. This will ensure that students who are required to wear masks will have them, and will allow for our Kindergarten to Grade 3 students to have masks should they wish to wear them.
Regular attendance is expected unless students are required to self-isolate or have other legitimate reasons for their absence. Although staff will make every effort to ensure the success of students, it will be possible for students to receive a course mark of “insufficient” or below 50% should they not meet the minimum expectations of the course work.
Option 2 - Teacher Supported At-Home Learning (Through Your Designated School)
Under option 2, students will remain enrolled at their home/local school and be provided teacher directed learning activities but continue to work at home.
Option 2 is intended for families who have decided that they are not ready to return to in-person classes under Option 1, but intend to re-enter the classroom at some point.
Under this option, students will have an assigned teacher who directs the learning activities, provides assistance, and sets a schedule of learning activities and will ensure that the curriculum is being followed in a similar fashion to those students who are attending regular classes at school. As program delivery will take place online, participating families will need to provide their own internet access, as well as one dedicated device with a webcam per student.
Learning expectations and time commitments will be more rigorous compared to the emergency learning implemented during the COVID response from March - June of 2020. It’s expected that the curriculum pace will be the same as in the regular classroom. This will facilitate the return of students to school when parents deem it safe to do so and ensure all students are on pace to complete the required curricular outcomes.
Those students who choose Option 2 and wish to re-enter the classroom, may do so on the following
- Monday, October 5
- Monday, November 16
- Monday, January 4
- Tuesday, February 16
- Wednesday, April 7
High school students may change from Option 2 to Option 1 at the semester breaks during the quarter semester school year.
Other Option 2 considerations:
- Option 2 students will experience both synchronous learning (online with the teacher who is responsible for their learning) and asynchronous learning (learning on their own or with the assistance of a parent).
- Attendance expected and tracked during synchronous learning
- Students will be expected to manage deadlines working from home
- Students will need to be self-aware as to what they are doing well with and what they need support with and be willing to proactively access that support
- Students are well able to access information in a variety of formats online (ie. text-based, video tutorials and live meets)
- As the program is designed for the student’s eventual return to in-person classes, students will be expected to participate in all required curriculum
- All summative assessments will be marked and posted into PowerSchool as if students were attending an in-person class; incomplete assessments will eventually result in a zero if not completed
- Students will need to schedule their days to include attendance during synchronous learning times, independent work time, movement breaks, and meal times
- Although staff will make every effort to ensure the success of students, it will be possible for students to receive a course mark of “insufficient” or below 50% should they not meet the minimum expectations of the course work
- Parent support at home for younger students
To summarize, this option has been created for those families who have a student or students who would be at school if the COVID-19 pandemic did not exist.
Option 3 - Virtual Learning at Connections for Learning (CFL)
Parents may consider a full-time online delivery program for Grade 1-12 education, which will operate out of the Connections for Learning alternative education site. Virtual Learning will be a teacher-directed program that will allow students to work from home via online learning tools and remote access to content. As program delivery will take place online, participating families will need to provide their own Internet access, as well as one dedicated device with a webcam per student.
This program is best suited to students who are comfortable working independently in an online environment, with parents/guardians who are able to provide their students with the tools, supervision and support they will need to be successful.
Please Note: This program is not designed or intended for the purpose of responding to in-school class cancellation due to COVID-19. This is a full-time program with a full-year commitment for those who prefer to learn in this manner.
Learning expectations and time commitments will be more rigorous compared to the emergency learning implemented during the COVID response from March - June of 2020. It’s expected that the curriculum pace will be the same as in the regular classroom.
Please note: for families that do not have internet access or technology, please select Option 3 and then contact Connections for Learning to discuss print-based options.
Other considerations for Option 3:
- Students will be expected to manage deadlines working from home
- Students will need to be self-aware as to what they are doing well with and what they need support with and be willing to proactively access that support
- Students are well able to access information in a variety of formats online (ie. text-based, video tutorials and live meets)
- Parent support at home for younger students
- Students will need to schedule their days to include attendance during synchronous learning times, independent work time, movement breaks, and meal times
- Attendance expected and tracked for synchronous learning times
- All summative assessments will be marked and posted into PowerSchool as if students were attending an in-person class; incomplete assessments will eventually result in a zero if not completed
- Although staff will make every effort to ensure the success of students, it will be possible for students to receive a course mark of “insufficient” or below 50% should they not meet the minimum expectations of the course work
For more information, click here.
Option 4 - Home Education (Parent-directed program with support through Connections for Learning)
Families can choose to educate their children entirely at home. This is a parent-directed program with access to teacher support. Parents can select curriculum, resources and methodology consistent with their family’s beliefs. We encourage parents to set a curriculum that aligns with their values, and provide learning opportunities specifically designed for their child. With a partnership with Connections for Learning, Home Education families have access to the same opportunities experienced through CFL’s other programs, such as workshops, community learning events, field trips and more. In addition, our Home Education Program employs a certificated teacher who can help parents plan their child's program and provide educational support to homeschooling families throughout the school year.
For further information, click here.