Education Committee: Indigenous Education
The Board of Trustees welcomes members of the public to its upcoming Education Committee virtual meeting. The Board has established nine Standing Committees for the ongoing study of major areas of responsibility. One or more Trustees participate on each of the nine standing committees. The committees meet regularly to discuss the issues that are important to teachers, students and Parkland School Division staff. In particular, Education Committee meetings cover issues around curriculum and programs while celebrating student learning and achievements. The topic for the next meeting is Indigenous Education.
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Time: 9am
Location: Google Meet
Welcome & Introductions
Culture & Identity
- Stoney Language Classes
- Guests Mookoshin Violet Poitras & Glenna House
- Student Guests
- Teachable Moment
- Land Acknowledgement
- Poster Contest
- Video
- Presentation: Leanne Traverse, Memorial Composite High School Indigenous Graduation Coach
- Poster Contest
- Elder in Residence
- Increasing Indigenous visibility in schools
- Grade 12 Cultural Celebration (Eagle Feather & Metis Sash Presentation)
Land-Based Learning
- What is it?
- Why is it important for all students?
- How do we create and embed this in our schools?
- Bare Icebi - Gathering Together
- Full Moon Learning Series
- Introductory Video
- Voyageur Canoe Program
- Stony Plain Library and Paul First Nation & Community Partners
- Good Relations Agreement
- Full Moon Learning Series
- Homework Hub
- Academic and belonging
- Curriculum Connections Community
- One Drum
- Curriculum tied & lived experience = transformation
- One Drum
- Ways of Being