Close Contacts In a Cohort Outbreak to Learn From Home
October 5, 2021 -
Dear Parents/Guardians of Parkland School Division,
Parkland School Division will be implementing additional measures to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 in classroom settings. As stated in the Alberta Government’s COVID-19 Guidance for Schools (K-12) and School Buses, school administrators/authorities can review what measures they currently have in place and may choose to consider additional precautions.
Since the Government of Alberta does not require self-isolation of close contacts, out of an abundance of caution, PSD will implement learning from home for cohorts where classroom spread of the virus is evident. When three or more cases of COVID-19 present in one classroom, that cohort will move to online/at-home learning for a period of up to 14 days. This may be extended for classrooms where additional cases are identified.
There is no legal mandate to quarantine in the community but learning will proceed from home, delivered by classroom teachers like they have previously, when self-isolation of close contacts was mandatory.
While learning from home, it is recommended that close contacts of a positive COVID-19 case monitor for symptoms.
- If staff or students develop symptoms as listed on the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist please isolate at home and complete the AHS COVID-19 Self-Assessment tool or call Health Link at 811 as soon as possible to arrange for COVID-19 testing.
- Should your child test positive while learning from home, we strongly encourage to notify your school accordingly.
For questions about COVID-19, call 811 or visit the division's COVID-19 Info page.
For further information, contact:
Mark Francis, Deputy Superintendent
Parkland School Division
Phone: 780-963-4010