8.8: Appendix 8.8: International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Labour Relations Terms of Reference


1. Purpose:

1.1. To meet with representatives of IUOE to propose collective agreement changes.

1.2. To negotiate and conclude memoranda of agreement for recommendation to the Board.

2. Powers and Duties:

2.1. Establish Board proposals within established Board mandates and guidelines.

2.2. Negotiate with representatives of IUOE.

2.3. Make recommendations to the Board for ratification.

3. Membership:

3.1. Three (3) trustees with a quorum of two (2) trustees; and

3.2. The Superintendent or designate(s).

4. Meetings:

4.1. Meetings shall be closed to the public; and

4.2. Shall be held as required to negotiate or interpret agreements.