8.4: Appendix 8.4: Teacher Board Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
1. Purpose:
1.1. The purpose of the Teacher Board Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for discussion of the respective views of the respective parties.
2. Powers and Duties:
2.1. The Teacher Board Advisory Committee shall provide an informal, safe and open environment for committee members to express and discuss ideas/concerns to foster increased understanding of and appreciation for perspectives.
2.2. Issues related to the interpretation of the collective agreement and grievances shall not be brought forward or discussed as agenda items, except by mutual agreement, and shall focus on systemwide concerns and policies.
2.3. Any resolutions agreed to by this committee shall be forwarded to the Board and the ATA Parkland Teachers’ Local #10 for consideration as recommendations only.
2.4. Should the committee wish to invite others to make brief presentations, as a means of sharing information (i.e. professional development, budget, etc.), then those individuals shall be invited to attend for their presentation only, and would not attend for any committee discussion.
3. Membership:
3.1. The Teacher Board Advisory Committee shall consist of an equal number of representatives for the Board (of which the Superintendent or designates are considered to be) and representatives of the ATA Parkland Teachers’ Local #10, employed by the Division. A maximum of ten (10) voting members shall make up this committee.
3.2. The Board, at each annual organization meeting, shall appoint three (3) trustees to this committee.
3.3. The ATA Parkland Teachers’ Local #10 shall make appointments to the committee. These appointments shall be determined by the ATA Parkland Teachers’ Local #10 on an annual basis.
3.4. The Chair of the Teacher Board Advisory Committee shall be elected for a one (1) year term from and by the annual appointees, and the position will alternate yearly between theBoard and the ATA Parkland Teachers’ Local #10.
3.5. The Superintendent shall appoint one (1) non-voting member as a recording secretary.
4. Meetings:
4.1. Decision making of the committee shall be based on a consensus model.
4.2. Matters of a sensitive nature that are shared within the context of the committee shall remain confidential to the members of the committee.
4.3. Meeting dates, times, location and duration shall be determined by consensus of the members of the committee.
4.4. Meetings shall be closed to the public.