8.3: Appendix 8.3: Benefit Plan Advisory Committee Terms of Reference



1. The purpose of the Benefit Plan Advisory Committee is to review the Board’s group benefit insurance plans and other employee benefit plans.

Powers and Duties:

2. The Benefit Plan Advisory Committee shall:

2.1. Review benefit plan’s utilization, experience reports and renewal packages; and

2.2. Approve changes to coverage provided by each benefit insurance policy or plan (providing there is no increase in premiums).

3. The Superintendent or designate has the authority to renew group insurance policies.

4. The Board shall be the policyholder of the various benefit insurance policies.

5. The Board shall appoint an independent benefits consultant to administer and provide information on the group insurance plans to the committee.

6. The Division shall be responsible for the nominal operating expenditures incurred by the committee.

Membership / Quorum:

7. Membership in the Benefit Plan Advisory Committee shall consist of:

7.1. Six (6) voting members and three (3) non-voting members.

8. Voting Membership shall consist of:

8.1. One (1) trustee as appointed by the Board;

8.2. Two (2) representatives appointed by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local #5543;

8.3. Two (2) representatives appointed by International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local #955; and

8.4. One (1) representative appointed by Parkland School Division (PSD) Non-Union Group (NUG).

9. Quorum consists of one representative from each of the member groups identified in s.8.

10. Non-voting membership shall be appointed by the Superintendent, and shall consist of:

10.1. Up to three (3) members to facilitate committee operations; and

10.2. One (1) Recording Secretary.

11. CUPE, IUOE and NUG staff shall appoint members to this committee for two (2) year terms, and alternate replacement(s) of their representative(s). These appointments are to be managed in a manner that maintains consistency on the committee.

12. The Board, at each annual Organizational Meeting, shall appoint one (1) member to this committee.

13. November 1st of each year shall be the yearly start date for each representative.

Decision-Making Process:

14. All decisions of the Benefit Plan Advisory Committee shall require a simple majority from the voting members.


15. Meetings, as required, may be called by the committee Chair or the Superintendent or designate; notably,

15.1. Notice of and all meeting agendas shall be sent to each member prior to each meeting by the Superintendent or designate;

15.2. Meetings shall be closed to the public;

15.3. At the first meeting, following the Board’s Organizational Meeting, a committee Chair shall be elected by the Benefit Plan Advisory Committee from its voting members; and

15.4. The committee Chair shall be elected for a one (1) year term.