8.2: Appendix 8.2: Policy Review Committee Terms of Reference


1. Purpose:

1.1. The purpose of the Policy Review Committee is to review and update Board policies. The Policy Review Committee will make recommendations to the Board regarding proposed changes to Board Policy.

2. Powers and Duties:

2.1. Review each policy at least once during the four (4) year term of the Board as per Board Policy 10 – Policy Formation and Review;

2.2. Provide recommendations to the Board regarding any changes to the Board policy, reaffirm the existing policy or delete the existing policy; and

2.3. Draft any new Board policy that may be required for consideration by the Board.

3. Membership:

3.1. The Board Chair and Vice-Chair, with a quorum of two (2) trustees;

3.2. The Superintendent and / or designates; and

3.3. Other resources as required.

4. Meetings:

4.1. Meetings shall be closed to the public; and

4.2. Shall be scheduled and held as required.