8: Board Committees and Representation
The Board shall establish standing or ad hoc committees for ongoing study of major areas of responsibility or for specific, defined purposes.
Additionally, The Board may appoint trustees to represent the Board on various external committees, agencies and organizations. Such representation is established at the discretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange or information on matters of mutual concern and/or to discuss possible agreements between the Division and other organizations.
a) Board Committee: shall refer to those committees specifically under the auspices of the Parkland
School Division Board of Trustees.
b) External Committee: shall refer to any committee or association for which Board representation is
requested, and approved by the Board.
General Requirements for Board Committees
1. Committees normally have no legal powers, although in special circumstances they may be empowered by the Board to make certain decisions and/or recommendations on its behalf.
Unless specified otherwise in the terms of reference for each committee:
1.1. A quorum is a simple majority of voting members present for a committee meeting;
1.2. Trustees, as members of a specific committee, shall be the only members entitled to vote at any meeting; and
1.3. Decisions and/or recommendations forwarded to the Board shall be determined by consensus of the voting members of that committee.
2. Committees can consider only those topics or problems which are referred to them by the Board or the Superintendent.
3. Committees may be charged with conducting in-depth studies into the matters to which they are assigned.
4. Committees shall meet from time to time as specified.
5. Committees may deem it necessary to convene in-camera to discuss such matters as specified in Policy 7 Board Operations.
5.1. In-camera minutes, if deemed necessary to be prepared, shall be marked as privileged and confidential and may only be shared during an in-camera portion of a regular board meeting.
6. A Recording Secretary shall be responsible for:
6.1. Notifying committee members of the deadline for submission of items for the agenda;
6.2. Preparing and distributing the agenda to all committee members one (1) week prior to the meeting;
6.3. Preparing and maintaining records of committee meetings; and
6.4. Distributing draft minutes to committee members for review prior to including them on an upcoming Board meeting agenda.
7. The Board Chair may serve as ex officio to all Board committees.
8. The Board establishes, annually, the following standing committees:
8.1. Governance and Planning Committee [see Appendix 8.1];
8.2. Policy Review Committee [see Appendix 8.2];
8.3. Benefit Plan Advisory Committee [see Appendix 8.3];
8.4. Teacher Board Advisory Committee [see Appendix 8.4];
8.5. Audit Committee [see Appendix 8.5];
8.6. Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA) Labour Relations [see Appendix 8.6]
8.7. Central Alberta Association of Municipal and School Employees (CAAMSE) Labour Relations [see Appendix 8.7]; and
8.8. International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Labour Relations [see Appendix 8.8]
9. The Board may establish ad hoc committees to assist the Board for a specific purpose or function.
9.1. The terms of reference for each ad hoc committee shall be established at the time of formation.
9.2. The term of appointment shall end upon conclusion of the appointed purpose or function or at the pleasure of the Board.
10. The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with committees and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.
Representation on External Committees:
11. The Board establishes, annually, representation on External Committees as required [see Appendix 8.9]. Trustees appointed to External Committees shall:
11.1. Represent the Board's positions and interests; and
11.2. Communicate, to the Board, the work of the External Committee.