AP 780: Medical - Individual Care Plan
Health & Safety
An Individual Care Plan (ICP) is a tailored agreement designed to address the unique medical needs of children or students, enabling their safety and well-being at school and while participating in off-site activities. The ICP outlines the specific medical requirements, delineates the roles and responsibilities of school personnel, parents/guardians, and the student, and provides guidance on meeting these needs, including timing, responsible individuals, and emergency procedures. This agreement fosters collaboration among educators, parents/guardians, and healthcare professionals to support the child or student’s medical needs throughout their educational journey.
1. When a school is informed of a child/student’s medical needs, the Principal, or designated staff member shall initiate the development of an ICP by involving the parent/guardian, healthcare professionals, service providers, other relevant individuals, and the child/student, where appropriate.
1.1. The type and level of support required, and the ability of the child/student to consistently and safely self-manage their medical needs should be considered when determining the need for an ICP in partnership with parents/guardians; notably
1.2. A child/student may not require an ICP for conditions that are easily managed by the child/student.
2. The main goal of the ICP shall be to provide relevant information to effectively support the child/student in a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment that promotes their health and participation in school and school activities.
3. The Superintendent, or designate, shall ensure that an electronic ICP tool is available for staff’s use.
4. ICPs shall be readily accessible to staff who need to reference them, while preserving the privacy, confidentiality, and security of the information; notably,
4.1. Teachers shall ensure that ICPs are readily accessible for Substitute Teachers and Educational Assistants, as applicable.
5. Parents/guardians are responsible for keeping the school updated regarding changes to the child/student’s medical condition and needs.
Individual Care Plan Format and/or Requirements:
6. The care required for children/students with specific health challenges will be unique to each individual child/student and, therefore, staff shall consider the complexity of a child’s/student’s condition and/or medical needs in determining the level of support required in the ICP.
7. The use of the Division-selected electronic ICP tool is required, although the required components will vary according to the specific needs of a child/student.
8. The ICP shall address both daily management and emergency planning, as applicable.
9. The following information shall, at minimum, be included in the ICP:
9.1. The name of the child or student and their parent/guardian;
9.2. The school year applicable for the ICP;
9.3. The grade and classroom/homeroom the child/student attends;
9.4. The complete contact details for the parent/guardian, caregivers, and emergency contacts, specifying the preferred order of contact in the case of an emergency;
9.5. The name of the medical condition(s)/health concern(s), including the duration, and overall medical severity;
9.6. The medical need(s) that require attention/assistance in school or on a school activity (e.g., field trips);
9.7. A description of triggers, physical reactions, signs, symptoms, and avoidance or prevention strategies, where applicable;
9.8. Specific supports required for the medical need(s), including identification of roles and specific responsibilities of school staff and other individuals attending to these needs;
9.9. The timeline for the ICP is to be reviewed and/or updated;
9.10. The parent/guardian consent for the ICP; and
9.11. The student’s consent, where applicable.
10. The following information may be included in the ICP, based on individual student need:
10.1. A description of the frequency/timing of the necessity of checking the student’s condition and whether the child/student requires supervision or assistance;
10.2. A description of any prescribed medication, including information about dosage and frequency of administration, where applicable. Any medication shall be administered, as per Administrative Procedure 782: Medical – Administering Prescribed Medications;
10.3. Details on daily or routine management and accommodation needs for the child/student while in school or participating in school activities;
10.4. Notes and instructions from the appropriate healthcare professional;
10.5. Emergency plans and/or procedures, inclusive of location of the child/student’s emergency supplies and emergency contact information for parents/guardians and alternate emergency contact and location of emergency supplies; and
10.6. Communication procedures with families and individuals involved in supporting the medical needs of the child/student.
11. Schools and healthcare professionals shall follow applicable privacy legislation on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information and health information, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), Health Information Act (HIA), and the Alberta Human Rights Act.