AP 525: Sponsorships

Business & Finance


Sponsorships may be formed with individuals and businesses as they provide an opportunity for Parkland School Division (PSD) to build relationships and work together with the community. In addition, sponsorships provide PSD with another source of revenues or in-kind services to enhance the school experience.

All sponsorship activities must be in the best interests of students, school staff, PSD and the community and align with the PSD’s vision, mission, values, priorities and be compliant with the PSD’s Policies and Administrative Procedures.

This procedure applies to all sponsorship recognition of individuals or organizations

  • on all PSD property,

  • at PSD events,

  • of programs or groups (school teams, clubs or activities), or

  • in all media (print or digital) including year books, websites and other materials.


a)  Sponsorship: refers to the action of an external party providing funds or in-kind services to PSD and, in return, receive advertising or promotion of its brand, product or services. Based on CRA guidelines funds or in-kind services provided to PSD would be classified as sponsorship if:

  • The purpose of the sponsorship is to get recognition, and/or

  • There is a written or unwritten understand that shows the donor expects and will receive a benefit in return for the sponsorship.

b)  Division level: refers to a sponsorship that impacts a number of schools and/or exceeds the threshold value a school can approve. Sponsorships that meet the Division criteria must be approved by Superintendent or designate.


1. A sponsorship may be organized and coordinated either at the school or Division level.

1.1.  Should the sponsorship be at the Division level, the Superintendent or designate shall have responsibility for the organization and coordination of system-based partnerships.

1.2.  Should the sponsorship be at the school level, the Principal or designate shall have the responsibility for the organization and coordination of school-based partnerships unless it exceeds the limits described in this Administrative Procedure.

2. In consideration of a sponsorship, the following principles must be followed:

2.1. The sponsorship enhances the public image of the PSD, and its reputation and standing.

2.1.1. There should be no risk that acceptance of the sponsorship may harm the PSD’s reputation, due to the sponsor’s identity or the identity of its affiliates.

2.2.  There is no real or perceived conflict of interest between the sponsor and PSD.

2.3.  The specific sponsorship proposed, including monies, in kind services etc., and shall be of benefit to PSD.

2.4.  As there is a benefit to the provider, sponsorships are not classified as charitable donations and charitable receipts shall not be provided.

2.5.  Sponsorship opportunities are to be non-exclusive; PSD provides an equal opportunity to all persons or entities who want to provide sponsorship to PSD.

2.6.  PSD does not grant the use of its name or logo to a sponsor either in association with the sponsored event or for any other purposes of or uses by the sponsor.

2.7.  Approval from the Director, Strategic Communication is required to use commercial logos in conjunction with the Division or School Logos.

2.8.  A sponsor’s logo may be displayed in a school, or Division property for a temporary, time-specific, or event-specific period; this may include promoting extracurricular sporting and fine arts events, acknowledgement of sponsorships, and fundraising activities such as school fun fairs and confectionary sales.

2.9.  Sponsor recognition and corporate logos shall be for identification rather than commercial purposes and shall not supersede or dominate the identity of the school or PSD property.

3. For Division level sponsorships

3.1.  The nature and purpose of the sponsorship shall be developed between the sponsor and the Division.

3.2.  Communication between the sponsor and the school system shall remain at the Division level.

3.3.  The decision to continue or not continue with a sponsorship shall be made by the Superintendent and the sponsor.

4. For school level sponsorships

4.1.  Principals or their designates shall have responsibility for the organization and coordination of school-based sponsorships.

4.2.  The nature and purpose of the sponsorship shall be developed between the sponsor and the school.

4.3.  The outcomes of a school-based sponsorship must enhance the delivery of quality educational experiences for students.

4.4.  Communications between the partner and the school shall remain at the school level.

4.5.  The decision to continue or not continue with a school-based partnership/sponsorship shall be made by the Principal and the sponsor.

4.6.  Approval of school-based agreements by the Principal is subject to the limits within Administrative Procedure 539 Delegation of Signing Authority. Agreements beyond this must be approved by the Superintendent or designate.

4.6.1.  Maximum value $20,000.

4.6.2.  Maximum length of agreement of 5 years.


Date Approved:  March 18, 2021

Reference: Education Act: 52,53, 139, 197, 222, 256

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: March, 2021

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.