AP 409: Working Alone

Personnel & Employment


Employees who are directed to work alone, or find themselves in situations where they are working alone, are protected in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Working alone includes administrative direction in circumstances where assistance is not readily available in the event of an injury, illness or emergency.


1. In situations where employees are directed to work alone while on Parkland School Division property, Principals and site supervisors shall:

1.1. Complete a hazard assessment to identify existing and/or potential hazards arising from the conditions and circumstances of the employee’s place of work;

1.2. Implement essential safety measures to mitigate any risk to employees from identified hazards; and

1.3. Establish and maintain an effective means of communication between the employee and persons capable of responding to the employee’s needs.

2. In situations where an employee selects to work alone, the employee shall:

2.1. Review and consider foreseeable hazards that may arise from the conditions and circumstances of the employee’s work or travel;

2.2. Implement essential safety measures to mitigate risk-to-self from identified hazards; and

2.3. Establish and ensure communication methods are accessible between the employee and a person capable of responding to the employee’s needs; notably

2.3.1. Travel arrangements shall indicate the employee’s time of departure and arrival with individuals at the point-of-destination or by contact by the traveling employee after arrival.




Date Approved:  May 23, 2024

Reference: Education Act: 196-221
Occupational Health and Safety Act
OHS Code Explanation Guide (2009, s. 28)
Working Alone Safely: A Guide for Employers and Employees

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: May, 2024
Occupational Health and Safety Committee: May, 2024

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.