AP 430: Role Of The Executive Team
Personnel & Employment
Parkland School Division’s Executive Team includes:
The Superintendent,
The Deputy Superintendent,
The Associate Superintendent, Corporate and Financial Supports and Services,
The Associate Superintendent, Learning Supports and Services, and
- The Associate Superintendent, Education and System Services.
Specific roles for these personnel exist as the Superintendent deems necessary for the efficient operation of the Division.
As provided for in the Alberta Education Act 222(3), the Superintendent is the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and the Chief Education Officer of the Division.
1. The Superintendent shall carry out the duties assigned to the Superintendent by the Board; specifically:
1.1 The Superintendent shall supervise the operation of schools and the provision of education programs in the district or division, including but not limited to the following:
1.1.1 Implementing education policies established by the Minister;
1.1.2 Ensuring that students have the opportunity in the Division to meet the standards of education set by the Minister;
1.1.3 Ensuring that the fiscal management of the Division by the secretary- treasurer is in accordance with the terms or conditions of any grants received by the Board under the Education Act or any other Act;
1.1.4 Providing leadership in all matters relating to education in the Division.
1.2 As required to do so, the Superintendent shall report to the Minister regarding the matters referred to above.
With respect to Executive Team, the Superintendent shall:
2. Ensure the responsible application of the roles of Senior Administration as set forth in this Administrative Procedure;
3. Provide for attention, by the Executive Team, to any other duties required, and in keeping with the responsibilities set forth by Minister, the Board of Education or as provided for in the Education Act.
The Division’s Executive Team shall be guided by the Division’s vision, mission, values and beliefs in fulfillment of the general and specific aspects of the role description for the Superintendent as defined in the Education Act and Board Policy.
Notwithstanding specific roles, the Superintendent accords shared responsibilities to the Executive Team.
With respect to leadership, each member of the Executive Team shall:
4. Attend, on an ongoing basis, to full adherence to Provincial Leadership Standards;
5. Practice leadership in a manner that is viewed positively, and with the support of those with whom each Executive works, in carrying out the Superintendent’s expectations.
6. Exhibit a high level of personal, professional and organizational integrity.
With respect to student learning, each member of the Executive Team shall:
7. Support the implementation of School Education Plans;
8. Support the implementation of the school review process.
With respect to student wellness, each member of the Executive Team shall:
9. Provide support to ensure that each student is provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.
With respect to fiscal responsibility, each member of the Executive Team shall:
10. Develop department budgets as required within the parameters and constraints of the Division budget;
11. Ensure the proper fiscal management of department budget all locations;
12. Operate in a fiscally prudent and responsible manner.
With respect to organizational management, each member of the Executive Team shall:
Demonstrate effective organizational skills, ensuring compliance with all legal, Ministerial and Board mandates and timelines, and in adherence to Superintendent directives;
Contribute to a Division culture that yields positive results, effectively handles emergencies, and deals with crisis situations in a team-oriented, collaborative and cohesive fashion.
With respect to Stakeholder Engagement, each member of the Executive Team shall:
15. Take appropriate actions to ensure open, transparent internal and external communications are developed and maintained in areas of responsibility;
16. Foster close ties and develop partnerships with community agencies;
17. Ensure students, parents and staff have a high level of satisfaction with the services provided and the responsiveness of the department;
With respect to administrative procedures, each member of the Executive Team shall:
18. Assist the Superintendent in the application of Board Policy and Administrative Procedures;
18.1 Support the Superintendent in Board policy planning and development for Board Review;
19. Provide leadership in the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of Administrative Procedures within areas of responsibility.
With respect to Superintendent relations, each member of the Executive Team shall:
20. Establish and maintain positive, professional working relations with the Superintendent;
21. Honour and facilitate the implementation of the Board’s roles and responsibilities as defined in Board policy, and
21.1 Encourage staff to do the same;
22. Provide information to the Superintendent in a manner that supports the Superintendent’s role in an exemplary fashion.