AP 432: Role Of School Administration
Personnel & Employment
As outlined in the Education Act, the Principal is the educational leader and chief administrator in the school and is directly accountable to the Superintendent.
With respect to the role of the School Principal:
1. The Principal shall, at all times, act in full accordance with the Education Act.
2. The Principal shall, at a minimum, demonstrate leadership in full alignment with current provincial Leadership Quality Standard.
3. The Principal shall, at all times, act in a manner that maintains the Vision, Mission and Beliefs of the Division and in accordance with all Division Board Policies, Administrative Procedures and annual Education Plan.
4. Subject to any applicable collective agreement and the Principal’s contract of employment, the Principal shall carry out those duties that are assigned to the Principal by the Superintendent.
With respect to the role of an Assistant Principal and notwithstanding those duties applicable to the Assistant Principal in support of, or in absence of the principal:
5. The Assistant Principal is an educational leader in the school and shall be directly accountable to the Principal.
6. The Assistant Principal shall, at a minimum, demonstrate leadership in alignment with any applicable requirements of current Leadership Quality Standard.
7. The Assistant Principal shall, at all times, act in a manner that maintains the Vision, Mission and Beliefs of the Division and in accordance with all Division Board Policies, Administrative Procedures and annual Education Plan.
With respect to the role of school administration and/or school leadership:
8. School administration shall ensure that the standard of care is met with respect to order and discipline in the school and on the school grounds and during activities sponsored by the Division.
9. School administration shall promote co-operation between the school and the community that it serves.
10. School administration shall facilitate effective communication with school stakeholders.
11. Establish procedures and practices to meaningfully collaborate with other school administrators as full members of the Division’s Leadership Team.