AP 434: Role Of The Teacher
Personnel & Employment
The Superintendent recognizes the important role of the teacher as a model and mentor of learning and as a lifelong learner.
In Alberta, the Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) identifies the competency requirements for members of the teaching profession. Quality teaching occurs when the teacher’s ongoing analysis of the context, and the teacher’s decisions about which pedagogical knowledge and abilities to apply, result in optimum learning for all students. The standards are Ministerial Orders, making all teaching professionals accountable for their applicable standard to the Minister of Education.
The Teacher shall ensure that professional practice and the provision of education aligns fully with all relevant legislation and provincial guidelines, especially including, but not limited to:
1. The Alberta Teaching Quality Standard;
2. The Education Act of Alberta, and with specific reverence to Education Act section 196;
3. The Teacher’s contract of employment with the Division and with reverence to any currently applicable Collective Agreement(s) between The Parkland School Division and The Alberta Teachers’ Association;
4. Full adherence to relevant Board Policy and the Division’s Administrative Procedures; and
5. Duties assigned by the Superintendent or Principal, in accordance with any relevant legislation and guiding documents, including those listed above.