AP 436: Substitute Teachers

Personnel & Employment


In order to provide a continuous, well-directed educational program for students, the Superintendent approves the deployment of the best-available substitute teachers in the absence of the regular classroom teacher.

This Administrative Procedure is specific to the provision of substitute teachers whose role is defined as outlined in Administrative Procedure 434 – Role of the Teacher.


1. The Director of Human Resources is responsible for approving the substitute teacher roster and maintaining an effective process to assign substitutes to schools as necessary.

1.1. Substitute teachers shall only be selected from the approved roster.

2. The Principal or designate shall ensure the effective deployment of substitute teachers within the school.

3. Substitute Teacher remuneration shall be in accordance with any currently applicable Collective Agreement(s) between The Parkland School Division and The Alberta Teachers’ Association.

4. Substitute teachers shall provide a detail the particulars of the period of substitution to the Teacher or Principal.

5. The Director of Human Resources shall ensure:

5.1.  That personnel files exist for all substitute teachers in accordance with Administrative Procedure 406 – Personnel Records;

5.2.  That a Substitute Teacher submits credentials for filing, including a current Teacher Qualifications Service credential, in the same manner as permanent staff.




Date Approved:  August 20, 2020

Reference: Education Act: 196-205
Teaching Quality Standard
Certification of Teachers and Teacher Leaders Regulation (84/2019)

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: August, 2020

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.