AP 449: Teacher Evaluation
Personnel & Employment
Parkland School Division Administrative Procedure 449 TEACHER EVALUATION
An evaluation of a teacher's professional performance may be required for the purpose of making decisions regarding employment, certification, and assessing teacher growth.
1. An evaluation of a teacher may be initiated:
1.1. Through a request of the teacher; or
1.2. By the Superintendent or designate, including the principal, as may be considered necessary.
2. The teacher shall be informed of her or his right to secure the assistance of a mentor or peer support team to act as a resource to the teacher throughout the evaluation process.
3. A teacher may review his or her evaluation records contained in the Division personnel file.
4. The evaluator, where appropriate, may implement a student and parent feedback system whereby students and parents can contribute by providing comments on areas of strength and areas for growth.
The following procedures shall apply to teachers who hold a continuing contract:
5. Prior to an evaluation being performed, the teacher to be evaluated shall receive or submit written notification,
5.1. A copy of the written notification shall be kept in the individual teacher's personnel file secured at the school and Division Office.
6. The Principal or designate shall convene a conference with the teacher subsequent to notification and prior to formal observation during which evaluation procedure, performance criteria, reporting procedures, shall be communicated and discussed with the teacher.
7. The following shall be included by the Principal or designate as part of the evaluation process:
7.1. Multiple observations (minimum three (3)) based on performance criteria forming the Teaching Quality Standard (see also: Administrative Procedure 444 – Teacher Development);
7.2. Conferencing following each observation where observations and assessments are communicated;
7.3. A formal written report based on the established criteria (Teaching Quality Standard) (and notwithstanding section 16, below) containing descriptors in the major performance area(s) which may include areas of strength, directions for growth and recommendations.
The following shall apply to teachers on probationary contracts:
8. A teacher, at the time of entering into a probationary contract, shall receive written notification that an evaluation shall take place during the term of the probationary contract:
8.1. Written notification shall include reference to those administrative procedures pertaining to a teacher’s evaluation and the performance criteria.
9. The Principal or designate shall convene a conference with the teacher subsequent to notification and prior to formal observation during which evaluation procedure, performance criteria, and reporting procedures shall be communicated and discussed with the teacher.
10. The following shall be included by the Principal or designate as part of the evaluation process:
10.1. Multiple observations (minimum three (3)) based on performance criteria forming the Teaching Quality Standard;
10.2. Conferencing following each observation where observations and assessments are communicated;
10.3. Two (2) formal written reports (ideally prior to December 31 and prior to June 30) (and notwithstanding section 16, below) based on the Teaching Quality Standard containing descriptive assessments in the major performance area(s) which may include areas of strength, directions for growth and recommendations.
10.3.1. Written formal reports shall be filed with Parkland School Division’s Human Resources and made available to the Superintendent or designate.
11. The Superintendent or designate, upon receipt of the Principal's report may:
11.1. Make a decision to offer a Continuing Contract;
11.2. Extend the Probationary Contract in accordance with 206(4) of the Education Act;
11.3. Determine whether the Probationary Contract will be allowed to expire; or
11.4. Determine whether a probationary contract is to be terminated in advance of its natural expiration date.
The following will apply to teachers eligible for permanent certification:
12. The Principal or designate shall convene a conference with the teacher prior to formal observation during which evaluation procedure, performance criteria, reporting procedures, and appeal procedures shall be communicated and discussed with the teacher.
13. The following shall be included by the Principal or designate as part of the evaluation process:
13.1. Multiple observations (minimum two (2)) based on performance criteria forming the Teaching Quality Standard);
13.2. Conferencing following each observation where observations and assessments are communicated;
13.3. A formal written report based on the Teaching Quality Standard (and notwithstanding section 16, below) containing descriptive assessments in the major performance area(s) which may include areas of strength, directions for growth and recommendations.
14. Following the completion of this process the teacher may reply, in writing, to the Superintendent or designate:
14.1. The reply shall be in respect of the contents of the evaluation report and the recommendation for permanent certification; and
14.2. The Superintendent or designate shall review the evaluation report, the reply and take whatever action believed to be required.
15. Permanent certificates may be recommended by the Superintendent or designate in consultation with a principal and without completing the evaluation process in those situations where an evaluation was completed and deemed sufficient within the previous two (2) years.
With respect to written reports (Reports) generated during any evaluation:
16. Reports shall be generated, shared and filed in strict adherence to the following:
16.1. Copies of any and all Reports shall be provided to the teacher prior to the Reports being submitted to the Division Office;
16.2. The teacher shall acknowledge receipt of each report by signing a copy and returning said copy to the administrator within ten (10) school days of receiving the report;
16.3. A teacher being evaluated shall be given the opportunity to append additional comments to all Reports pertaining to his/her evaluation within ten (10) school days of receiving the report.
16.4. Copies of any and all Reports shall be kept in the teacher's personnel file secured at the Division Office.
17. With respect to remediation of deficiencies in meeting the Teaching Quality Standard: 17. Whereremediationisnecessary:
17.1. To raise the quality of a teacher's performance to an acceptable level in one or more of the competencies within the Teaching Quality Standard;
17.1.1. Reports shall make clear any expectations and the resources available for improved practice and set a reasonable time line for improvement.
17.2. The onus is on the teacher to remediate and correct any difficulties that are noted by the evaluator(s) but, upon request of the teacher, the Principal or the Superintendent or designate shall make available personnel who may be able to offer assistance to the teacher.
17.3. The Principal or designate, at the end of the time allotted for the teacher to make the required improvement, shall perform a reasonable number of observations to assess performance level, following which a report will be written containing the assessment and recommendations, including recommending the possible conclusion of the evaluation process.
17.4. The Superintendent or designate, upon receipt of the Principal's report, shall take whatever action believed to be required.
18. Where it has been recommended that remediation continue:
18.1. The Principal or designate, at the end of the time allotted for the teacher to make improvement, shall perform a reasonable number of observations to assess performance level, following which a report containing the assessment and recommendations, will be written and forwarded to the teacher first and then forwarded to the Superintendent or designate;
18.2. The Principal (and designate, where one has conducted the evaluation) shall convene a conference with the teacher to discuss the assessment, and shall write a report to the Superintendent or designate which may recommend conclusion of the evaluation procedure, termination of the teacher's contract, or make other recommendations which he/she believes are in the best interest of the students, the teacher and/or the school;
18.3. The Superintendent or designate, upon receipt of the Principal's report, shall take whatever action believed to be required.
With respect to termination:
19. Where it is recommended that a teacher's contract be terminated by the Board that termination shall be done in accordance with section 215 of the Education Act.