AP 476: Teacher Exchanges
Personnel & Employment
Professional staff exchanges may be of benefit to the school system and to the individuals involved. The experience of teaching in another province or country on a teacher exchange program provides unique cultural, social, and educational opportunities. Therefore, the Superintendent supports term specific inter-system and intra-system professional staff exchange programs. The Division approves participation in exchange teaching programs as long as the financial impact on the Division is negligible.
1. Information regarding exchanges shall be made available to teachers as it becomes available to Human Resource Services at various times during the year.
2. Applications for exchange teaching positions shall be made through the Superintendent or designate as early in the term as possible.
3. A leave of absence for outgoing exchange teaching purposes shall be from the staff of the Division and not from a specific position.
4. Each incoming exchange teacher may be granted up to five (5) days per full school year to visit other schools, attend orientation or debriefing session, etc. upon the approval of the Principal. Where such approval is granted, the substitute teacher costs will be paid from the school budget if internal coverage cannot be effected.