AP 478: Participation In Politics

Personnel & Employment


Employees have the democratic right to render public service and/or to take an active part in community activities. The Superintendent expects the interests of the students' education to be paramount in any decisions about employee participation in the political process.


1. An employee considering participation in public office or membership on Government boards/agencies shall discuss any job-related implications with the Superintendent or designate prior to making the decision to participate.

2. The employee shall guard against becoming involved in activities that may be interpreted as a conflict of interest with Parkland School Division, including the Division’s staff, students or School Board.

3. The employee must maintain a level of job performance acceptable to the employee’s immediate supervisor and consistent with contractual obligations and employer expectations.

4. The Superintendent may, upon formal application, grant leaves of absence without pay as follows:

4.1.  With respect to campaigning, a maximum leave for up to twenty (20) working days may be granted.

4.2.  With respect to the acquisition of an Elected Office:

4.2.1.  A member of the Federal Parliament or Provincial Legislative Assembly shall be granted and be required to take a leave of absence for one (1) election term of the total life of Parliament or Legislative Assembly;

4.2.2.  An employee who is elected to a second term of office at the federal or provincial level shall resign from employment on the date of election; and

4.2.3.  Members of Municipal Councils or Boards may be granted leaves for meetings. If additional leaves are required these may be granted upon request to the Superintendent.

4.3.  With respect to participation in an association

4.3.1. A paid leave of absence may be granted to any employee elected to office in local provincial or national associations provided the respective association reimburses the Board for full salary and benefits for that employee for time away. Other leaves without pay may be granted at the Superintendent’s discretion.

With respect to School Board Trusteeship

5. The Local Authorities Election Act s.22 (1.1) notes that “a person is not eligible to be nominated as a candidate for election as a trustee of a board of a school division if on nomination day the person is employed by (a) a school division, (b) a charter school, or (c) a private school, in Alberta unless the person takes a leave of absence under this section.

5.1.  An employee who takes a leave of absence is subject to the same conditions that apply to taking a leave of absence without pay for any other purpose (LAEA s. 22(7));

5.2.  If an employee who takes a leave of absence is not elected, the employee may return to work, in the position the employee held before the leave commenced, on the 5th day after election day, or the first working day after the 5th day (LAEA s. 22(8)); and

5.3.  If an employee who takes a leave of absence is declared elected, the employee is deemed to have resigned that position as an employee the day the employee takes the official oath of office as an elected official (LAEA s. 22(9)).

6. It is the responsibility of the staff member seeking election to educate themselves on the entirety of section 22 of the Local Authorities Election Act when planning to consider trusteeship.



Date Approved:  June 30, 2019

Reference: Education Act: 205, 222, 229
Local Authorities Election Act
Employment Standards Act
Labour Relations Act
Collective Agreements

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: June, 2021

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.