AP 240: Specialized Services For Students And Children

Instruction & Assessment


Increasing numbers of students and children require specialized services, during school and Early Childhood Service (ECS) program hours. Division staff shall work together with members of the community and community agencies to serve the needs of students and children who are "at risk" or who have special needs.


1. In order to minimize duplication of effort and improve access for, and responsiveness to, children and families in need, the Superintendent is committed to Division staff collaborating with other community agencies, organizations and associations; other local education authorities within and across school districts, including:

1.1.  Operators of Early Childhood Services (ECS) programs;

1.2.  Regional authorities, including but not limited to:

1.2.1.  Alberta Health Services;

1.2.2.  Human Services; and

1.2.3.  Children’s Services.

2. The Principal shall ensure that collaboration exists between teachers, counsellors and relevant school staff with community agencies where appropriate and prudent to do so.

3. Collaboration may involve information-sharing procedures, sharing of staff facilities, and joint service planning and delivery agreements (informal or formal).

4. The Associate Superintendent – Learning Supports and Services, shall:

4.1.  Initiate, develop and/or participate in partnerships designed to improve services to students and children; and

4.2.  In cases where efficiencies can be realized through the provision of centralized services available to all school communities within the Division.

5. Procedures in working together with members of the community shall align to provincial policies and procedures, including Alberta Education’s Standards for Special Education.


Date Approved: September 10, 2019

Reference: Education Act 11, 19, 40, 196, 197
Public Health Act
Guide to Education ECS to G. 12
Standards for Special Education (Alberta Education)
Standards for the Provision of Early Childhood Special Education

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.