AP 238: Home Education
Instruction & Assessment
The Superintendent recognizes and accepts:
The right of a parent to educate a child or children through home education;
The responsibility to provide for the supervision of home education programs for its resident students; and
- The responsibility to provide to each student an education program that meets the standards consistent with the requirements of the School Act, and as set out by the Minister of Education.
1. A Principal of a school that provides home education programming shall ensure:
1.1. Parents and students have access, upon request, to a current Parent/Student Home Education Information Handbook that shall include:
1.1.1. The required parent notification form for Home Education and
1.1.2. A template for the parent’s use in completing a written program plan.
1.2. Home education students are supervised by certificated staff, including:
1.2.1. At least two (2) evaluations of the student’s learning in each school year.
1.3. Students in home education programs at levels equivalent to grades 3/6/9 shall write the Provincial Achievement test or an alternative test that reflects standards similar to those in provincial achievement tests.
1.4. Parents are annually informed that funding in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the provincial home education grant shall be available to assist parents in defraying costs incurred by the parent for resources related to the home education program:
1.4.1. The parent shall provide receipts showing how the money was spent prior to the provision of any defrayed funding by the Division;
1.4.2. Funding assistance declined by the parent or any portion unspent shall not accumulate beyond the school year in which it was accessed by the parent.
1.5. Parents shall receive communication regarding the possible limitations of a home education program, including the difficulty home education students may have in accessing high school credits where the courses of study have not been those approved by the Minister.
1.6. Notwithstanding (1.4) and (1.5) above, the school providing home education programming shall endeavour to provide consultative and resource based support to home education parents and students, as may be necessary in individual circumstances.
1.7. Home education students shall be allowed to enroll in Work Experience, Registered Apprenticeship Programs or Green Certificate Programs provided they are under the supervision of a certificated teacher of the Division.
2. The Superintendent or designate may terminate a home education program as legislated in the Alberta Home Education Regulation 89/2019 (8).