AP 222: Language Programs
Instruction & Assessment
Student life-long learning opportunities are enhanced through the study of languages. French is an official language in Canada and, therefore, French Immersion is available in Parkland School Division. Student learning of additional languages are subject to available school resources and sufficient student interest.
a) French Immersion: This program provides the opportunity to students to become functionally bilingual in French as well as English, through intensive French instruction across the curriculum.
b) French as a Second Language: This program offers the opportunity to students to learn French and communicate in the language to their desired level of proficiency.
c) Additional Second Languages: Refers to other languages for which programs of study have been prepared and authorized by Alberta Education, including: German, Japanese, Spanish, Cree, Ukrainian, Chinese, Blackfoot, Punjabi, and others.
d) Francophone Education Rights: In accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Section 23) and the policy of Alberta Education, the Board recognizes the rights of specific students to a Francophone Education program.
With respect to French Immersion:
1. French Immersion classes shall continue to be provided in designated Stony Plain and Spruce Grove Schools provided sufficient numbers of students are registered.
2. The Alberta Programs of Study shall be used as the basis for the delivery of French Immersion programming.
3. Alberta Education recommends the following ranges as supportive of the objectives of French Immersion programming:
3.1. Kindergarten: 100%
3.2. Grades 1-2: 90% - 100%
3.3. Grades 3-6: 70% - 80%
3.4. Grades 7-9: 50% - 80%
3.5. Grades 10-12: 40% - 80%
4. French Immersion programming at kindergarten and grade 1 levels is available to all Division children whose parents choose the program.
5. Enrolment of first time French Immersion students in later grades is discretionary by the Principal, subject to the Principal’s review of exceptional circumstances.
6. Division French Immersion Graduation Certificate requirements require that students complete:
6.1. French Language Arts (FLA) 10, 20, 30;
6.2. A minimum of one (1) other subject at grade 12 level, in addition to FLA 30; and
6.3. A total (minimum) of thirty (30) credits in French Immersion Senior High.
With respect to French as a Second Language:
7. Subject to resources and each school’s local context, the Principal shall determine the degree to which French as a Second Language may be successfully delivered in the school.
8. The instructional time allotments in French as a second language shall be guided by the provincial recommendation and by the intended learner outcomes identified in the program of studies.
With respect to Additional Second Languages:
9. Other second language programs as approved by Alberta Education may be offered in Division Grade K-12 settings, provided student interest and enrolment is sufficient.
10. It is expected that middle-years and senior-high school administrators shall plan collaboratively to ensure consistency and continuity in the provision of second language course offerings.
With respect to Francophone Education
11. IncompliancewiththeCanadianCharterofRightsandFreedoms(s.23)andthepoliciesof Alberta Education, the Superintendent will direct eligible students to the nearest Francophone Regional Authority.
11.1.Such direction is subject to supportive interpretation of “where numbers warrant”; parents of eligible students are to contact the Superintendent’s office for further information.