AP 318: Volunteer Community Coaches
Organization & Culture
Students benefit from opportunities to be involved in extra-curricular activities. While the Superintendent advocates the belief that employees are the preferred choice to lead such activities, the use of adult volunteers as community coaches may be a necessary alternative to allow such activities to proceed.
Notwithstanding this administrative procedure, Volunteer Community Coaches shall adhere to those procedures set out in Administrative Procedure 326 - Volunteers Requirements and Vulnerable Sector Checks.
a) Community Coach: shall mean a person, other than an employee of the Division, who shares expertise with students on a school team, club, or activity for extended periods of time; whether or not that activity occurs during the regular school day.
b) Extra-Curricular Activities: shall mean those activities and/or events supported by the school staff and provided outside regular school hours.
c) In loco parentis: shall refer to individuals, acting in “the place of parents,” who are held to a standard of care requiring that they exercise wise and judicious decision making in the best interests of all students.
d) Off-Site Activities: means an instructional activity or a student activity that occurs at any place, and for any duration, away from the school or school grounds, as defined in Administrative Procedure 280 – Offsite Activities.
1. The Principal shall ensure that all persons acting as volunteer community coaches in the Division are expected to know and adhere to all applicable Board policies, administrative procedures and related school procedures.
2. All volunteer community coaches shall complete a Volunteer Registration Form at the time of their original request to volunteer.
3. For purposes of screening and selection of community coaches, the Principal or designate shall personally interview prospective community coaches, conduct reference checks where appropriate and ask the prospective community coach to provide a Vulnerable Sector Check.
4. An individual approved as a volunteer community coach shall be so informed by the Principal in writing (including email).
5. If the volunteer community coach is not working directly with or under the supervision of a staff member, the Principal shall accept responsibility for the activity.
6. Principals shall ensure that persons acting as community coaches:
6.1. Have the knowledge, skill and attributes necessary to perform their described role.
6.2. Have had an opportunity to discuss, with the Principal or designate:
6.2.1. The school philosophy regarding the participation of students (i.e. selection, playing time, behaviour expectations, etc.);
6.2.2. The use of school facilities and equipment;
6.2.3. Policies and procedures pertinent to the supervision of students and supervision expectations;
6.2.4. Proper discipline and referral procedures;
6.2.5. The process of communication with parents;
6.2.6. Procedures with respect to finances and fund-raising;
6.2.7. Transportation procedures;
6.2.8. In-service opportunities; and
6.2.9. Other items, as deemed prudent by the Principal.
7. In addition to providing the approval for a community coach, the Principal or designate may require additional supervisors to accompany the activity before allowing it to proceed (e.g., provision of both male and female supervisors for co-ed activities).
8. Volunteer community coaches are to be encouraged to avail themselves of appropriate in- service activities, specifically those that shall enhance the ability to deal with the needs of students involved in the activity (e.g., coaching certification clinics, first aid programs).
9. Volunteer community coaches are expected to wear picture identification, provided through the Division.
10. The Principal or designate may deny or revoke permission for a volunteer to participate as a community coach if the volunteer is deemed unsuitable for the role, is in breach of Board policy or administrative procedure or behaves in a way that is contrary to the Division vision and mission.