AP 340: Student Supervision

Organization & Culture


The Superintendent expects staff to demonstrate responsibility for the safety and security of students. The Principal shall provide for the prudent supervision of students by staff in an appropriate manner at all times.

All school staff and approved volunteers have a duty of care to guard against dangers that could reasonably be foreseen. School staff, in exercising their duty of care, need to consider that appropriate supervision may depend on a variety of student factors, including: a student’s age, a student’s abilities and emotional stability.


1. School staff have a duty of care to adequately and appropriately supervise students (Education Act: 196(1)(f)).

2. Supervision, as the appropriate exercise of a duty of care to all students, shall occur:

2.1.  While students are on school premises during school hours;

2.2.  As soon as the first scheduled school bus arrives at school in the morning, except that:

2.2.1. At schools with no scheduled buses the amount of supervision provided before morning classes may be reduced to fifteen (15) minutes prior to the commencement of the school day;

2.3. During the fifteen (15) minute interval following final dismissal of classes in the afternoon, notably:

2.3.1. After school, supervision shall be provided for bused students until the last bus leaves, regardless of time of departure;

2.4.  At noon hour if students normally stay at school;

2.5.  During student participation in any school-authorized activities that take place either on or off school premises, regardless of the time of day or night;

2.6.  On the school bus or other Division-provided transportation as prudent to do so.

3. The Division holds no responsibility for students when they are either coming to school or going home by any means other than Division-provided transportation, however,

3.1. Students shall be held accountable for their actions traveling to or from school, in so far as such actions may affect the welfare of individual students, the operation of the school, or relations with the community (Education Act 31, 33).

4. At the discretion of the Principal, students may be permitted to remain inside the school building with appropriate supervision during the intervals specified in item 2 above or during noon or recess.

5. The Principal shall establish the supervision procedures for the school as outlined in this procedure, and in consultation with school staff.




Date Approved: September 13, 2019

Reference: Education Act: 31, 33, 196

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.