AP 350: Code Of Conduct

Organization & Culture

AP 350: Code of Conduct


In keeping with Parkland School Division’s values and beliefs, the Superintendent is committed to providing safe and caring school environments. To this end, students, staff, parents and community members are expected to model and reinforce socially responsible and respectful behaviours.

Staff, students, parents and community stakeholders are expected to adhere to all applicable codes of conduct, given that a well-developed code of conduct clearly defines behaviour that is deemed to be acceptable or unacceptable for a location or activity.

The primary focus of any code of conduct is to help individuals learn how to resolve issues peacefully, develop empathy, and contribute to a welcome, caring, respectful and safe learning environment; one that fosters diversity and nurtures a sense of belonging with a positive sense of self.

The primary Code of Conduct for students in Parkland School Division is Board Policy 18: Role of the Student. Schools may add school-specific aspects to their school’s code of conduct provided they maintain the integrity of the Board’s Vision, Mission, and Values and providing they do not counter any aspect of the existing Parkland School Division Code of Conduct.

Alberta Education requires that school boards outline procedures regarding student discipline, including suspension and expulsion; these procedures are available in Administrative Procedure 360: Student Discipline.


With respect to Codes of Conduct

1. It is the responsibility of each Parkland School Division student, staff member and stakeholders to understand the codes of conduct for each location, activity or situation.

1.1. By default, the Parkland School Division Code of Conduct shall extend to any school activity or situation, including transport by Parkland School Division transportation at any time for any reason.

2. The School Principal shall ensure that all aspects of the Parkland School Division Code of Conduct, as well as any supplementary, school-specific expectations within the Code of Conduct, are well understood by all students, staff and parents.

2.1. Each September, the principal shall ensure that students, staff and parents are knowledgeable about the procedures regarding conduct, consequences and/or corrective discipline.

3. Each school's school-specific expectations for student behaviour and conduct shall be:

3.1. Developed by the Principal, with opportunity for input from staff, students, parents and the community;

3.2.  Communicated to staff, students, parents, and the community annually by the Principal; and

3.3.  Reviewed annually and revised as required by the Principal.

4. The Principal's expectations shall include the potential consequences for failure to meet the student code of conduct.

5. When disciplinary action is required, school staff shall comply with Administrative Procedure 360: Student Discipline as necessary under the direction of the principal.




Date Approved: September 2, 2020

Reference: Education Act 31, 32, 33, 36, 37
Alberta Human Rights Act
Developing an Effective Student Code of Conduct (Alberta School Boards Association)

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2020

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.