AP 355: School Handbook

Organization & Culture


The Superintendent encourages clarity in communication between schools and families. The purpose of a School Handbook is to provide students and parents an understanding of the guidelines, processes and rules for attendance and instruction in each school.


1. The Principal shall ensure that a school handbook is readily available to staff, students and parents.

2. Ata minimum, a school handbook shall contain:

2.1. The school calendar, bell times and scheduled hours;
2.2. A process for inquiry into student matters for parents and students; 2.3. An explanation of grading with a process for appeal;
2.4. A student code of conduct

3. School handbooks may be in print or electronic form.




Date Approved: September 13, 2019


Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.