AP 782: Medical - Administering Prescribed Medications

Health & Safety


The administration of prescribed medication, and/or the provision of personal care, is fundamentally a medical, and not an educational function. The Superintendent recognizes that there are occasions when students are required to take medication during the school day, and/or during school sanctioned events. This procedure outlines the limitations and responsibility for staff administered and/or supervised administration of medication to students.


a) Acute Medical Condition: Shall refer to a sudden and severe health issue that requires immediate attention or intervention, typically with a rapid onset and short duration, which may significantly impact student’s typical functioning or well-being.

b) Chronic Medical Condition: Shall refer to a long-term or persistent health issue that typically requires ongoing management, treatment, or support, which may continuously or periodically affect a student’s typical functioning or well-being over an extended period.


1. The primary responsibility for the administration of prescribed medications rests with the individual student, that student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate medical personnel.

2. A Principal, after consultation with the student's parents or guardian, shall be responsible for any determination to have a school staff member administer medication; notably

2.1. Medication may only be administered during school hours or during school-sponsored events; and

2.2. Medication shall be administered only as specifically prescribed by a regulated medical professional.

3. For acute medical conditions requiring medication, a Principal or designate shall ensure that appropriate medical documentation is in place, prior to the administration of medication at school, or during school-sponsored events; documentation shall include all of the following:

3.1. Signed parental consent on Form F7820 Request for Assistance to Administer Short-Term Medication; and

3.2. A clear and valid prescription, with instructions from a regulated prescriber; notably

3.2.1. Regulated Prescribers are those who have been granted the authority, by the statute or regulation of Alberta, to prescribe medication. Examples may include, but are not limited to; physicians, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and dentists.

4. For chronic medical conditions requiring medication, parents shall assist school staff in ensuring the proper completion of the medication section of the Student’s Individual Care Plan; and

4.1. The Principal shall ensure that parents have signed consent on the Individual Care Plan accordingly.

5. The provision of personal care and assistance to students shall be provided, as required, in emergency life threatening situations.


Date Approved: September 24, 2024

Reference: Administrative Procedure 780: Individual Care Plan
Emergency Medical Aid Act (E-7 RSA 2000)
Occupational Health and Safety Act
F7820 Request for Assistance to Administer Short-Term Medication

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2024

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.