AP 779: Medical - Pandemic Response
Health & Safety
The Superintendent, in cooperation with Alberta Health Services and the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, supports efforts to minimize the impact of a pandemic and any disruption to the operational activities of the Division. The administrators and all staff are expected to ensure the most effective and efficient use of resources for the maximum benefit and protection of students, staff and facilities.
a) Cohort: shall refer to any established grouping of students.
b) Pandemic: shall refer to an epidemic disease of widespread prevalence around the globe.
c) Protocol: shall refer to a clear set of instructions, processes, regulations or restrictions in place for a set or undetermined period of time; a protocol remains in place until replaced or rescinded by the Superintendent or designate.
d) Social distancing: shall refer to measures taken to restrict when and where people can gather.
With respect to Pandemic identification:
1. A Pandemic may be declared to be in effect, as per the Alberta Public Health Act, and the Alberta Emergency Management Act.
2. Notwithstanding Ministerial authority and/or legislation, the Superintendent holds the responsibility and authority for pandemic response for the Division:
2.1. The Superintendent has the authority and responsibility to establish pandemic response protocols as necessary; and
2.2. The Superintendent has the authority and responsibility to make final decisions regarding pandemic and/or emergency response planning and/or actions.
3. The Superintendent or designate shall establish and publicly distribute pandemic response protocols to ensure that members of administration and staffs are familiar with roles and processes in the event of an outbreak;
3.1. Pandemic response protocols may include, but are not limited to:
3.1.1. The processes or actions deemed necessary to reduce the spread of infection;
3.1.2. The processes or actions to identify close contacts for notification to reduce contagion;
3.1.3. The processes or actions to establish or limit or modify student cohorts, classes or school schedules;
3.1.4. The processes or actions to modify student transportation;
3.1.5. The processes or actions related to the remote (virtual) distribution of learning;
3.1.6. The processes or actions to limit or restrict public access to schools;
3.1.7. The processes or actions to limit or exclude staff or students from attending school as per the orders of the Chief Medical Officer of Health; and
3.1.8. The processes or actions to ensure student safety through staff vaccination and/or testing mandates.
3.2. Parkland School Division’s Pandemic Protocols shall be prudently distributed and made publicly available in a manner that ensures clear communication and understanding.
3.2.1. Pandemic protocols shall be made available on the Division’s website [www.psd.ca] as of the effect date of the protocol.
4. In accordance with directives emanating from federal and provincial authorities and the consequent circumstances that may prevail, the Superintendent may temporarily suspend any of the Division’s current practices, guidelines, or operations.
4.1. These measures include, but are not limited to, provincially mandated school closures.