AP 777: Medical - Head Lice
Health & Safety
Although a head lice affliction is a social nuisance, it is not a disease or a health issue. Head lice shall be effectively managed through coordinated efforts between parents, school staff and the community in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of students.
1. Students, staff and parents shall be presented with head lice identification, prevention and treatment information on an annual basis, and not just during an outbreak.
2. When head lice are identified the school principal or designate shall inform the parents/guardians of the afflicted child.
3. The treatment protocol website, as recommended by Alberta Health Services, shall be provided to the parent/guardian. [myhealth.alberta.ca/Alberta/Pages/how-to-treat-head- lice.aspx]; and
3.1. The parent shall be advised to attend to treatment for the child/children as soon as possible and to share treatment protocols with the child’s immediate contacts.
4. As per Alberta Health Services, students afflicted with head lice shall not be restricted from attending school.
5. A denial of appropriate care (as per section 3.) may present an ongoing concern and, with respect to particular cases, may necessitate additional reporting to Alberta Health Services by school administration.
6. School staff shall not participate in the lice-detection combing of students.