AP 774: Medical - Injuries

Health & Safety


Staff are expected to act as would a reasonable parent if a student becomes ill or injured at school or on a school-sponsored activity.


1. Administrators, staff and volunteers shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent accidents from occurring to students under their care and supervision.

2. Staff shall report potential hazards to students as soon as possible.

3. The Principal shall ensure that the school is equipped with first aid supplies and equipment as per the Division’s health and safety program.

3.1. First aid supplies must be accessible to staff at all times.

4. Staff who handle any body fluids shall ensure that they take precautions to protect themselves and others from the spread of infection, as outlined in Administrative Procedure 700 – General Principles for Health and Safety.

5. The Principal shall ensure that staff are aware of basic first aid procedures and aware of the names of persons on staff with first aid training.

5.1. At least one staff member per 100 students shall have, at a minimum, standard first aid that includes CPR & AED training.

6. In conjunction with the development of a student’s Individual Care Plan, and at the commencement of the school year, principals shall coordinate with parents to ensure that school staff and Transportation Services are aware of any specific medical problems of the child and any reasonable precautions and remedies that an adult would be expected to administer.

6.1. Transportation Services shall ensure that bus drivers are aware of transportation concerns that may arise, as determined by a student’s Individual Care Plan, as prudent to do so.

7. When a student is injured, staff shall ensure that they are comfortable and safe before leaving them to summon additional help.

7.1. Preferably, the staff member is to stay with the student and have another person summon assistance.

8. Staff are expected to take any action to provide medical assistance as would be expected of any reasonable adult.

9. Staff may summon emergency personnel and shall accompany students to a medical facility.

10. UndernocircumstancesshallemployeesoftheDivisiongivelegalconsenttomedical treatment of students in their charge.

10.1. In the event medical treatment is refused by a medical practitioner because of lack of valid consent, the employee shall:

10.1.1.  Defer to the opinion of the medical practitioner;

10.1.2.  Advise the Principal or designate of the problem and the recommendation of the medical practitioner; and

10.1.3.  Continue to attempt to contact the parents.

11. If consideration is given to sending an ill or injured student home, the Principal or designate shall:

11.1.  Contact the parents and ensure that the student is escorted home or to a designated location; or

11.2.  Keep the student at school if unable to contact the parents.

12. Within twenty-four (24) hours after the occurrence of an accident, the Principal shall complete an accident report form, which shall be retained on file at the school and a copy sent to the Superintendent or designate.

13. Information regarding the availability of 3rd party accident insurance shall be made available to students and their parents.




Date Approved: February 5, 2020

Reference: Education Act: 31, 32, 33, 35.1, 196-197, 222
Emergency Medical Aid Act (E- 7 RSA 2000)

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: January, 2020

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.