AP 606: Advertising Materials
Communication & Technology
External agencies may request the promotion of advertising material within schools, for both curricular and extra-curricular activities, provided sufficient evidence is demonstrated that the materials provide a benefit to the school community as a whole.
1. The Principal may approve the public display or distribution of advertising materials for community, agency or corporate activities provided:
1.1. The product, service or event advertised contributes to the social or educational benefit of staff, students or their families;
1.2. The advertising is specific to the sale of school-related services such as:
1.2.1. School photos,
1.2.2. Yearbooks,
1.2.3. Graduation services,
1.2.4. Calendars,
1.2.5. Agendas,
1.2.6. Book clubs,
1.2.7. School clothing and/or jewelry.
2. Advertising in school publications such as newsletters and yearbooks shall be at the discretion of the Principal.
3. Advertising material deemed out of scope with Section 1 may be presented by the Principal to the Superintendent or designate for consideration;
3.1. Principals shall be advised to seek guidance from the Superintendent or Designate if unsure.
4. Approved staff-specific advertisements shall be restricted to the staff room or to staff mailboxes.
5. The following shall not be approved and shall not be displayed or distributed in any manner:
5.1. Material promoting activities sponsored by alcohol, cannabis or tobacco companies;
5.2. Material promoting activities with a clear profit motive and no educational value to students;
5.3. Material promoting unlicensed child care services;
5.4. Unsolicited advertisements of non-school commercial activities, products, or services;
5.5. Material promoting involvement or engagement with a specific religious organization;
5.5.1. Activities that are advertised to take place within a church facility, but that are clearly not proselytizing activities, may be permitted (for example: a choir celebration or secular youth club activity).