AP 970: Chemical Hazardous and Dangerous Material Management



The Superintendent is committed to ensuring a system for chemical, hazardous and dangerous material management is utilized within the Division.


a) Chemical Inventory: refers to chemicals purchased and stored in schools or Division office.

b) Hazardous Material: refers to a chemical substance that may cause harm to human beings, animals, plants and /or the environment unless given special handling or treatment. They may include but not limited to: hazardous waste, carcinogens, toxic agents, reproductive toxins, and agents that may damage the lungs, skin or eyes.

c) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): is a form created by the product manufacturer that contains detailed information on the properties of a chemical product or substance and is intended to provide workers/employees with information on potential hazards and safe storage and handling.

d) Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): is a legislation governing the transport of hazardous goods, including regulated chemicals ordered or disposed of by schools, from the point of shipment to point of reception.

e) WHMIS 2015: means the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, a Canadawide system designated to give workers the necessary health and safety information about chemicals used in the workplace.


1. All activities related to the management and disposal of chemical, hazardous and dangerous material/goods shall be conducted in accordance with federal, provincial and municipal legislation, regulations and policies.

1.1. The Director of Facilities Services or designate shall monitor the management and disposal of chemical, hazardous and dangerous material/goods to ensure that there is compliance with legal requirements.

2. The Director of Facilities Services and Principals or Site Managers, shall approve all chemical, hazardous and dangerous material/goods ordered for their specific area of responsibility and shall ensure that an inventory of these substances is maintained and placed in an appropriate location.

3. Approval of such purchases shall take into consideration appropriate amounts, least toxic alternatives, shelf life, available storage facility, proper labels and MSDS provided for these substances by suppliers.

4. The inventory shall include name of chemical, MSDS, purchase date, hazard class or Transportation of Dangerous Goods classes, storage location, program for disposal and timelines for updating as well as any other pertinent information.

5. All employees shall:

5.1. Be trained in Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 2015) upon the commencement of their employment and retrained regularly thereafter.

5.2. Be responsible for proper storage in appropriate designated areas.

5.3. Not bring used, surplus, recycled, or donated chemicals in to the workplace.

5.4. Be provided with and utilize the appropriate personal protective equipment when working with chemical, hazardous and dangerous materials/goods.

6. Each worksite in the Division shall develop a plan for the identification, maintenance of an inventory, appropriate storage and guidelines and procedures for reducing, reusing, recycling and disposing of substances.

6.1. All chemical, hazardous and dangerous material/goods shall be stored in proper containers on sturdy shelves based on chemical compatibility.

6.2. Flammable and corrosive materials shall be stored separately in approved cabinets or containers.

6.3. Areas where chemicals are stored shall be locked and secured from students and unauthorized staff.

6.4. Chemical spill kits, eyewash stations, and first aid kits shall be located in areas where chemical and hazardous materials/goods are used.

6.5. Food shall not be stored or consumed in areas where chemicals and hazardous materials/goods are stored.

7. The transportation of dangerous goods shall be according to Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Regulation.

7.1. Each worksite shall develop guidelines and procedures identifying receivers, delivery sites and any other pertinent information.



Date Approved: September 11, 2019

Education Act: 33, 52, 68, 197, 225
WHMIS 2015
Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Act
Dangerous Goods Transportation and Handling Regulation (157/1997)
Hazardous Products Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-3)
Emergency Medical Aid Act (E-7 RSA 2000)
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Public Health Act

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: September, 2019