AP 206: Appeals Concerning Student Marks

Instruction & Assessment


Course objectives, content, and evaluation procedures shall be clearly stated and largely consistent for the same course offered at different times and by different teachers. Where disagreements arise between a teacher’s assessment and a student’s expectation of progress, students shall have the right to appeal school awarded marks.


1. The Principal shall be responsible for ensuring comparable assessment from one class to another in the same course within a school in terms of:

1.1. Course outcomes, objectives and content;

1.2. Assessment, evaluation and reporting procedures that are in alignment with Administrative Procedure 202 – Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting.

2. A student, or guardian acting on the student’s behalf, shall have the right to appeal the final standing awarded in any subject and information about the appeal process is to be communicated to students/guardians annually.

3. After first discussing the matter with the student’s teacher, an appeal may be made in writing to the Principal within one (1) week of the time final standings are released by the school to students.

4. The written appeal shall outline the reason or reasons for making the request.

5. The Principal shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal and indicate to the student the expected date when a decision with regard to the appeal shall be reached.

5.1. For appeals of grades awarded during the first semester, the Principal’s ruling shall be conveyed to the student within one (1) week of the student/s appeal.

5.2. For second semester or summer school appeals, the Principal’s ruling shall be made available to the student within one (1) week of the opening of the next school year.

6. Teachers shall make available, to the Principal, all final examinations and other pertinent material used in the evaluation of their students as directed by the Principal.

7. The Principal shall employ as many of the following procedures as may be necessary when reviewing the final grade awarded to a student:

7.1. Consultation with teacher(s) involved;

7.2. A check of records;

7.3. A personal hearing of the student’s appeal;

7.4. A review of evaluation procedures followed; and

7.5. The granting of permission to the student to see the graded final examination.

8. The Principal shall confirm, in writing, the outcome for the appeal to the student and keep a copy of the response and supporting documentation on file.

9. Should an urgent reason for an appeal exist, such as scholarships, entry into a postsecondary Institution, or job placement, the following procedures shall be used:

9.1. The student wishing to appeal marks must do so upon receipt of his/her report card by the last day of the semester in question;

9.2. The Principal shall rule on the urgency of the appeal;

9.3. Where the appeal is deemed urgent, the Principal shall acknowledge the urgency and process the appeal according to section 7;

9.4. The results shall be forwarded immediately to the student and the student’s parents or guardian; and

9.5. Although principals and teachers are not required to be available for appeal purposes during their regular vacation periods, each Principal is expected to make arrangements to deal with urgent appeals.

10. Should a student and/or parent or guardian not be satisfied with the outcome of an appeal made to the Principal, the student or parent may request a hearing from the Superintendent or designate.

11. With respect to Diploma marks, a student has the right of appeal to the Learner Assessment Branch of Alberta Education, in accordance with the Guide to Education.

11.1. The Principal shall provide the student with the procedures for contacting the Learner Assessment Branch; and

11.2. The student has the right to request that his/her diploma examination be re-scored or to re-write the examination at a later date.



Date Approved: September 10, 2019

Education Act 42, 196, 197
Guide to Education ECS to G. 12 

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: January, 2021

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.