AP 202: Assessment Evaluation and Reporting

Instruction & Assessment


The primary purpose of assessment is to gather information about student progress in order to improve teaching and learning. The primary purpose of evaluation is to make a judgement based on the assessment information. The primary purpose of reporting is to communicate to students and parents the evaluation of student performance in relation to the goals and objectives of every program of studies.


a) Formative Assessment: Shall refer to assessment that informs teaching and learning. The purpose of formative assessment is to elicit evidence of learning and to inform the teacher and student of next steps to move the learning forward. Formative assessment includes assessment for learning and assessment as learning:

a. Assessment for Learning: An ongoing process of receiving from and giving information to students with respect to their progress towards a clearly specified learning destination (formative assessment).

b. Assessment as Learning: Allows the student the opportunity to self-assess and peer assess in relation to relevant criteria. Assessment as learning offers students the chance to set personal goals and advocate for their own learning.

b) Summative Assessment: Shall refer to assessment that provides additional information which helps teachers make professional judgments about student achievement at the end of a period of instruction. Summative assessment may also be referred to as assessment of learning.

c) Indicator/Descriptor: A summary statement of student achievement relative to learning outcomes in the Alberta Programs of Study. Examples may include, but are not limited to, letters, numbers, percentages or words.

d) Learning Outcomes: The learning expectations outlined in the Alberta Programs of Study.

e) Feedback: Specific information, in relation to the pre-determined criteria of a classroom assessment or learning task, intended to improve learning. Feedback is part of a process that includes the giving of feedback, receiving of feedback, making adjustments in relation to feedback followed by reassessment based on the adjustments.

Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Principles

Notwithstanding the procedures provided below, actions related to assessment, evaluation and reporting progress shall consider the following principles:

A. All schools shall employ strategies to ensure the development of a quality student assessment environment, designed to improve both teaching and learning;

B. Principals shall ensure that the school’s procedures regarding student assessment, evaluation and reporting are in accordance with the following principles.

a. Good formative assessment practice informs the teaching process;

b. Students shall have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways throughout the assessment process;

c. Students shall be actively involved in the formative assessment process;

d. Teachers shall utilize a range of bias-free assessments that are respectful of student differences and reflective of the diverse student population;

e. Effective evaluation practices separate those items that are not curriculum based (i.e., effort, participation, attitude and other behaviours) from curricular academic achievement; and

f. A student’s achievement shall be reported in relation to learning outcomes.


1. Assessment shall not be utilized as an accounting task; it is an investigative process. A teacher shall collect evidence with the goal of supporting the highest claims that may reasonably be made about a student’s learning.

2. Assessment shall be utilized as a process of collecting and interpreting information about a student’s learning.

3. Teachers triangulate evidence to notice and document students’ learning; i.e. teachers gather evidence from observing students, discussing with students and examining students’ products.

4. Teachers use a variety of methods for recording what they identify about students' learning, including write notes while observing or listening, complete a checklist or rating scale, circle or highlight a descriptor on a rubric, retain the product itself, and video or audio record what students are doing or saying.

5. The teacher's synthesis of varied assessment information leads to an evaluation of student learning and helps create a meaningful and useful report about student achievement.


6. Evaluation is based on the ongoing assessment of each student’s progress.

7. Evaluation of student learning must be valid and reliable.

8. Teachers must ensure that professional judgments about student achievement and performance are based on:

8.1. Appropriate programming;

8.2. Clearly stated curricular or individualized program plan outcomes and criteria;

8.3. The use of a variety of assessment strategies;

8.4. Direct evidence of student work; and

8.5. The student’s most consistent level of achievement against the learner outcomes.

With respect to a comprehensive system of reporting

9. Teachers shall provide information about the learning outcomes and the assessment and evaluation methods to students and parents in the first month of each course/program.

10. Communication of student learning in relation to learning outcomes;

10.1. The instructional grade level shall be indicated; this is not necessarily the same as the student’s enrolled grade level;

10.2. Indicators of progress are made in relation to the student’s instructional level; and

10.3. Communication of student performance in relation to non-academic areas such as work habits.

11. On-going communication between home and school (eg.; phone calls, email);

12. The provision of regular and timely access to information about student achievement; (eg.; online access, multiple opportunities for learning conferences with students, parents and teachers, interim reports, portfolio development);

13. There shall be provision for at least two (2) conferences during each school year (K-9) and one (1) per high school semester.

14. The information regarding assessment, evaluation, and reporting shall be accessible to all students and parents. For example, principals are expected to make provisions for proficient interpreter services to facilitate effective conferencing or interviews with deaf parents and students, or where language differences hinder effective conferencing.

15. The Report card is a legal document intended to communicate a summative assessment to students and parents:

15.1. The report card is an important document that captures a student’s academic history and transition throughout their schooling;

15.1.1. Final term report cards for each year are maintained within a student’s permanent record.

15.2. The Parkland School Division report card and indicators of achievement shall be used when reporting individual student achievement of learning outcomes.

15.3. All students within the division shall have a report card reflecting their achievement with respect to the learning outcomes within the Programs of Study.

15.3.1. Where a graded curriculum is used as the basis for individualized program planning, the individualized program plan shall communicate the student’s grade level of achievement in each subject area when different from the enrolled Grade.

15.3.2. Achievement on the report card shall be relative to that identified instructional grade level.

15.4. For those students that require programming with respect to English Language Learning, disability; -specific skills, daily living skills or self-regulating skills etc. teachers shall report achievement within an approved reporting document such as an IPP (Individualized Program Plan), addendum or behaviour support plan.

15.5. In the rare event that a student’s entire program is modified where he/she is not on a graded curriculum, student progress shall be reported on the student’s IPP and appropriate descriptors may be used to describe student performance.

15.6. Each K-9 student shall receive a summary report (final report card) at the conclusion of each school year.

15.6.1. Summary reports shall be maintained in the student’s permanent file.

15.7. High school students shall receive a report at the end of each term.

15.8. Reports may take the form of the following:

15.8.1. Email communication to parents/guardians to indicate that a reporting period has ended and that comments and student achievement are available through the online parent/student communication portal (ie. Powerschool);

15.8.2. Email communication which includes a document of student achievement;

15.8.3. A printed document of student achievement sent home to parents/guardians; and/or

15.8.4. Upon parent/guardian request, a printed document of student achievement shall be available in addition to email communication.



Date Approved:

Education Act 11, 40, 52, 53, 55, 56, 196, 197, 222
Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12
Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection
Teaching Quality Standard 001/2018 Leadership Quality Standard 002/2018 

Reviewed or Revised:
Executive: January, 2019

References shall be updated as required and do not require additional approval.